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The Semi-weekly site poll 13!

Caboose The Ace

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Welcome one and all to the latest semi weekly site poll! After a slightly out of form week last week this weeks question is most certainty a return to the usual format.
With Halo 5 343 decided to make one of the, if the not the most controversial decision in the Halo franchises history. The removal of splitscreen. This created a rather big uproar within the Halo community as splitscreen has been one of the series biggest assets as so many modern games do not support it. However to compensate for this loss 343 managed to make Halo 5 run at a near solid 60fps. So my question to you all this week is....
Is the loss of splitscreen worth the 60fps? 
Note: You may want to watch this video by Digital Foundry before you "vote" https://youtu.be/-gQMulb6T2o
As usual voting ends on November 9th. If you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to pm me.
Happy voting! smile.png

Edited by Caboose The Ace
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Playing through Halo 5's campaign at a solid 60fps was awesome. I get that 343 wanted to keep the gameplay smooth and fluid, and that the engine wasn't able to handle two players on the same console without making the textures look bad and/or reducing the frame rate to 30 instead of 60.

But, I think they could have handled the issue differently. They could have included split screen, and gave a warning that said "Playing split screen will reduce the frame rate to n fps, do you want to continue?" Or, they could have been more specific and explained why it was a toss up between 60fps and split screen in the first place.

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I taught my girlfriend how to play Halo. I taught my brother-in-law how to play Halo. I taught my sisters how to play Halo. All of that was only accomplished through split-screen, and I don't think 60fps is worth that kind of damage. I miss being able to play Halo with my girlie, her sitting right next to me; I miss being able to play "Couple's Night" with my sister and brother-in-law on one console, my girlie and I on the other. We had so much fun doing that, and now that split-screen is completely out of the picture, those nights are gone. Yeah, I could buy another TV, Xbone, copy of H5, but that's not going to be the same. It'll never be the same.


Sure, claim it's a lame excuse for "bonding," but it was the most fun I've ever had while being completely depressed.. a welcome distraction from intrusive thoughts, spiteful attitudes, and hatred harboring. Playing with my family was able to make me laugh when I only wanted to cry.


 /sobstory /kthxbai

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