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halo 5 complaint


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not sure how i should start this but here i go


i found the game to be good, the environment and game play was amazing BUT ..BIG BUT


objects glitched into the Ground in campaign, lack of warzone/multiplayer options and doesn't just need to be pvp based.


oh and the requestions pack system, not the system itself like picking loadout and vehicles (cause that pretty cool) im talking about the RNG single use packs, i have bought the wazone bundle and feel completely ripped off there was no mention of 7 weeks wait to get all 14 packs and it also said that you would get superior loot.. i got commons and uncommon's from it, i also bought a tone of gold and silver packs and mostly got armour and helmets (most of the armour and helmets look completely crap(crap is being generous) but that isn't my biggest concern... its the loadout weapons and having to find the certification for a loadout weapon im level 51 and still haven't found the DMR 0.o why arnt all the basic loadout weapons available from the start


it seems all the loadout weapons are near on par with each other so why aren't they unlocked.


ok req point level goes so slow by the time your able to bring a mantis to the playing field the match is over or you bring it in and game ends


why so many assorted assault rifles who the hell is going to sit there with a assault rifle and try and shoot people from a mile away its just stupid... all of this just seems like a excuse to add req cards 


why are req cards single use that's a pain your already restricted on using 1 tank every so often why make it more restricted 


over all this whole req pack system has made the game feel like a grind fest and it feels like you are money grabbing with the whole micro transactions that end in disappointment 


i am really disappointed in how the game turned out (oh and extreme lack Master chief story line)


i really hope games return to their roots and reward players for playing well and going that extra mile not this micro transaction

Edited by RedStarRocket91
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well considering there is a lack of maps in the first place compared to other halo games and that forge comes free with most other halo games. 4$ a pop isnt exactly a micro transaction oh and whats the point of making new maps now when the community is all ready sick of the game because of the already mentioned problems.


pretty sure they would of made a boat load of cash just from the halo name cause stupid fans such as myself hope its like the old games. oh and funding the MLG comps can go shove it 

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