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Fix Your Damn Betrayal System!!!


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It's ridiculous. I betrayed two people in two separate games, unfortunately they were unavoidable. I got booted from both games, but when i'm betrayed by my own team who wanted the banshee where was my option to boot them? This is something that needs to be fixed that should've been fixed long ago.


Rant over, Off to bed...

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I agree, i have deuchebag team mates that will purposely run over my plasma grenades or walk into my frags just to get betrayed, then boot me.

But when i get betrayed, doesnt matter what the purpose is, there is never an option forme to boot.

this is messed up and does need to be fixed.

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really. when i am driving a wraith ill have a teammate stand infront of thing to get betrayed to boot me for the vehicle. when i try to boot them no matter how many times they kill me i never get the option.

the betrayal system in infection is ****** up to. there will be people in infection who will betray you constantly just to piss people off.

and in griffball. i LUV it but there will be people who will boost into a lobby and have one person betray the entire team.


there should be a system like in left 4 dead 2 for a majority boot option. that would make my day.

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Appreciate the OP Wolfy. There does need to be some adjustment in the system, but is a little more complex than just pushing a button. I myself have been booted on a number of occasions due to a team mate spawning directly in front of my scope when I am pulling the trigger on the sniper rifle. Trust me it is annoying to have a good game going, being a good cover sniper for team mates and have that happen. I always shout out quick apology, but sometimes a frustrated player selects the boot option.


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Thanks for appreciating the thread. it's not always frustrated players either. i've noticed there are a lot of little kids who think they can get you to beat them down, boot you and they get the power weapons/vehicles for themselves. i personally think this should've been one of the things that was fixed when bungie was in control. now 343 is in control i only hope they see how much work this game mechanic needs.

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Needs fixing as you said.

It is not fair when they betray you many times they want but you can't get payback for it.

*Kid teammate sees me take the wraith "But I want to use it!" He gets in my way "So what? The darn wraith respawns whenever it gets destroyed, you can have it when it respawns." "BUT I WANT IT NOW!!!"* This is what I usually get most of the time for example.

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Needs fixing as you said.

It is not fair when they betray you many times they want but you can't get payback for it.

*Kid teammate sees me take the wraith "But I want to use it!" He gets in my way "So what? The darn wraith respawns whenever it gets destroyed, you can have it when it respawns." "BUT I WANT IT NOW!!!"* This is what I usually get most of the time for example.


This always happens to my cousin

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