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Halo: Reclaimer Trilogy 'What could Happen'


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OOC: You can get in on this.


Just go to the Character Creation topic and post a character. Just try not to make your character's name impossible to memorize.... :P




"Nice flying kid, way to crash us into the river." A man named Mendoza grunted, Private First Class. He was armed with a BR55 as his Armament, and he dove into the cockpit to release the back hatch and the warthog. He pressed any button he could, didn't matter anyway. They were out of rockets and finally after several button presses the back hatch opened up.


Everyone piled out before the rag-tag squad of Airmen, Marines, and ODSTs who named their shotguns.


Mendoza scrambled out and jumped into a half submerged Gauss Warthog, immediately starting it up and driving it out of the river. He grunted and glanced around.


Everyone was soaking wet, that much was obvious.


"Everyone Okay?" A concerned female voice asked from the back of their Minds, it was their Neural Interfaces AI of Unknown Classification they only knew it was UNSC and onboard the Frigate they arrived in. Her name was Trinity.

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"I heard it, too, Corporal," Bluesky replies. Meanwhile, he pops open the box to see if any water got inside and to drain it if it needed. Once opened, he got a lump in his throat and tears began to well up in his eyes.


"Beautiful," he whispers.


Water drips slowly from the muzzle of his MC37.

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"Everyone OK?" Trevelyan woke to a female voice in his head. That and the fact that someone splashed water on his face. He sat up. "I must have hit my head pretty hard" he grumbled. "I'm hearing voices in my head."


He found his M7 a few yards away, picked it up, and re-holstered it. "So what now?" he asked.

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Having closed up the box containing one M41 SSR MAV/AW rocket launcher and two rockets, Bluesky picked it up and walked over to the Warthog and PFC Mendoza. He remembered Corporal Alexander's earlier plan for the 'Hog and proceeded to stow the box in the back between the seats and the turret.


"I got this!" he calls out and climbs in the back. "Oooh baby," he revels as he makes sure everything is in working order, swiveling this way and that, checking the ammo feed, giving the barrels a spin. "Gun's good," he informs the team.

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Balder sees the rocket launcher in the box Bluesky opened.

" by the hammer of Thor!" Balder exclaimed. "That is fraking beautiful! nice find Private Bluesky"


Balder walked up to the Warthog and leaned up against the side of it.

"Gun's good," Bluesky informs the team.


"good we're gonna need it" Balder replies


"So what now?" Airman Trevelyan asked.


Balder pondered for a second "Everyone seems ok so i guess we need to start looking for the source of the distress signal" Balder said " we just need to know where we're at so we know where to go" Balder then activated his VISR on his helmet and looked at the Nav system.

"Hmm, i got nothing on the area we're at right now" Balder mumbled. "Does anyone have any clue on where we're at?"

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Cloud stood with the grip of the Gauss turret held firm with one hand. He put on his sunglasses and looked up at the sun, and his head slowly began to tilt as he began to look passed the glare and all around. There were clouds, trees, and a gentle breeze. But as he looked out passed the tree- and mountain-tops and peered through the clouds, he saw oceans swooping up, and up, and then saw other landmasses…


Just then he felt a little uneasy.


"Sir. Permission to speak, Corporal?" asked Bluesky with more than a hint of worry in his voice.


<insert Balder's reply here>


"There aren't many of us, sir, and you can bet those Covvies are gonna come looking for survivors. I know we got a job to do, but I'm a little more worried about covering our own asses right now, or we might not be around long enough to get it done, sir."

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"Sir. Permission to speak, Corporal?" asked Bluesky with more than a hint of worry in his voice.


"Go ahead Private" Balder responded


"There aren't many of us, sir, and you can bet those Covvies are gonna come looking for survivors. I know we got a job to do, but I'm a little more worried about covering our own asses right now, or we might not be around long enough to get it done, sir."


"Good point Private." Balder replied. " there are bound to be survivors from the other pelicans, we need to link up with them if we can. we also need to find a location that we can easily defend just incase the covenant come looking for us. After that we will start looking for the distress signal."

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Cloud nods his approval and then looks at the Marine in the driver's seat. His HUD displays the man's IFF marker. PFC Mendoza.


"If you're driving, Mendoza, I hope you're better at it than our A1C is at crash-landing," he says as he looks back to the sky to watch for Covenant. "The fact that we're all alive being a testament to his skill, I mean," he adds, singing Trevelyan's praises.

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"Okay... Okay. Here's the situation. Two pelicans landed and dropped their payload, a Scorpion and a platoon total. They've set up a Defensive perimeter and are now being pinned down by Covenant infantry. The Frigate is taking evasive manoeuvres, cloaking is pretty difficult inside the shield world. They're heading over to the other side of the sun, where the Distress signal is originating." Mendoza stated, he was simply repeated what a little bird told him.


"Oh yeah, and the second pelican to go down is right... over... there." Mendoza said as he pointed into the forest.


"Those boys were carrying the second scorpion and Rocket Launcher Ordnance." He added and started the vehicle.


"Whoever can't fit, head over to the LZ." He said, referencing everyone on foot.

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OOC: sorry for the late reply i've been playing too much skyrim, that game is addicting!


IC: "Ok then, i think we should send a fire team to retrieve the Scorpion and rocket launcher." Balder suggested " and the rest of us should head to the the pinned down platoon and provide assistance."


"Once the fire team has the scorpion and rocket launcher they will meet up with the rest of us and assist the platoon" Balder said "the only question is who goes and retrieves the scorpion and who goes and assists the platoon?"

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Hearing out PFC Mendoza and then Cpl. Alexander, Pvt. Bluesky takes his eyes off the sky to look around at the squad. Still in the back of the 'Hog, his grip subconsciously tightened on the Gauss cannon turret.


"Well I'm already here," Bluesky began with a huff. "Whoever rides shotgun can use the SPNKR. We'll hit those Covvies so hard they'll die of shock, or maybe awe. Or maybe some will die of shock, and others, awe." He paused to take a breath. "And you know what we should call this operation?" he looked around as his smirk grew into a grin.




Bluesky appeared incredibly pleased with himself.

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OOC: <_< dude seriously Father B? that was so frakin funny! :rofl: i had to go step away from the computer so i wouldn't see it anymore. because i would Rofl everytime i saw it


IC:"haha Its not what i would have called it, but it works" Balder joked.

"as for who's riding shotgun, unless there's any objections that privilege goes to Airman Trevelyan." Balder proposed " I'll make my way there on foot."

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Mendoza sighed in the driver seat. "Let's... ROOOOOOOOOOLLLL!" Mendoza shouted as he finally pinned the pedal to the metal.


They shot forward and the gunner, aka Bluesky almost fell off. Though he had a good grip on the turret, G-forces were no match for badassness.


The Airman was armed with the SPNKR Rocket Launcher and they moved towards the downed pelican.


"Hurry up." That women's voice stated bluntly and Mendoza grunted.


"We're going as fast as we can go lady."





The Squad watched as the warthog left in a hurry, it's ass was beyond the treeline and the squad was under the command of the corporal, awaiting orders.

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as the Warthog was leaving Balder radioed it

"hey make sure to leave some Covies for us" Balder joked. " not that you guys will be able to take them all out without me"


Balder then turned towards the remaining troopers with him

"Alright ladies, we're gonna make our way to the Second pelican and grab the Rocket launcher and scorpion." Balder announced. "after that we'll link up with our boys at the first pelican."

"lets move out Marines!" Balder ordered. "Double time!" Balder and the squad made their way to the second pelican.


About 10 min later balder and the squad made it to the downed pelican. "everything looks good" Balder said. " lets mount up and head out to the other pelican" Balder grabed the rocket launcher and jumped in the tank, the rest of the squad sat on the treads of the tank.

"Alright lets see, it's been a while since io driven one of these" Balder mumbled, as the Tank started up. "off we go" Balder and the squad made their way to the other pelican to meet up with the rest of the marines.

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I don't know if it's me, or if V is confused.

There's one other downed Pelican, or two?

I thought there was one, plus a makeshift basecamp elsewhere, both under attack.

Clarification would be appreciated by my as yet unexploded brain. :huh:


Edit, 11/26/2011:

Oooh OK. I'm back on track now. Thanks, V. :D Totally confused myself.


"WhaAH!" was all Cloud could manage. As the 'Hog lurched forward, his grip tightened on the Gauss cannon. When this happened, he accidentally fired a shot off in a random direction up over the treetops. "Ohshi--"

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OOC: I think there are two, Vitamin.




The warthog sped over a small rise, catching air as it traveled. "Hey, how many Covenant should i be expecting? I want to be sure i have enough ammo for all of 'em" Trevelyan said, double checking the jackhammer.

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has any one ever noticed that halo has references to mythical and biblical events? for example the halo array was built to destroy the flood and the ark is the most important component of the array, the ark and the flood - noahs ark and the flood, and also the covenant sees the halo array as sacred structures and has a lot of involvement with the halo array and the ark, and that may be a reference to the ancient story "the ark of the covenant"

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  On 12/7/2011 at 10:58 PM, adamj004 said:

has any one ever noticed that halo has references to mythical and biblical events? for example the halo array was built to destroy the flood and the ark is the most important component of the array, the ark and the flood - noahs ark and the flood, and also the covenant sees the halo array as sacred structures and has a lot of involvement with the halo array and the ark, and that may be a reference to the ancient story "the ark of the covenant"


i see you have a point, but this is not the thread for this. you can post that in the halo universe section or other places.

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