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H4 - Multiplayer custom map Playtest - Feedback


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Hello. As title says.. I'm looking for anyone that still has Xbox 360 and halo 4 who will be making time to help give a feedback for my game map and its mode. Basically, I'm just looking for a test players.


The custom map is: Ragnarok VE1 (Slang for Version Edition One) it'll have more heavies and units.

Game type: Infinity Slayer CS ER1 (slang for Edition Revision One) it'll have very better setup for everyone involved.


Send me a message if you want to help test the mode and map. Note: I'm deaf, so you gotta use thread or message me on XBL. My GT is CassandraSaturn hope to see you on soon!

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Hey there, sorry for not leaving a response to this (like I usually intend to) when I first saw it (but I was probably drunk); Since I'm going to be moving/working all week, I'm only going to be available after 4 (1600 hours) my time. If you'd like to get someone to test it today, I could be online shortly :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I still only have an xbox 360, and Halo 4. When are you available? I am available Weekdays from 4ish to 10ish pm, Central Time. Also it depends on if I get to the xbox first, which is more likely.



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