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halo 5 january update discussion


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okay so the update was released a couple of days ago but me and a lot of people have noticed the filler content instead of requested content (infection, grif ball, gravity hammer, etc.).


the thing we actually got was just new weapon skins, armours, assassinations and two maps however most of the stuff in the update aren't really good and like i stated above it's just a lot like 'filler' and most of were begging for classic game modes to come back but we were ignored this time.


what are your opinions about this update? to me it was a bit of a disappointment -.-'

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You need to keep up with the developers on Twitter and the community.


Grifball, Gravity Hammer, Oddball, Ricochet (Maybe), and Assault (Likely) are all coming next month.


It's been confirmed, plus there's news going around that they're doing the "ball" gametypes first. Which is grifball... etc.


Then they're doing the fun game types... Infection, Action Sack... 


In time we'll have everything the community enjoys again.

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This is what happens when the developers focus on frivolous content filler, aka astetics, instead of putting in serious effort into solid gameplay, replay value and a wide gametype range.



I just cant fathom how a product could be in development for 3 years, and it still falls massivley short campaign, gamemode and actual content wise. Maybe if they spent less time touring around the country, participating is ridiculous pointless panels and events, then maybe the Halo fanbase would have gotten a product that truly does justice to the Halo legacy. God knows we certaintly didnt get that with Halo 4.


Normally I would see future updates and support a good thing, but 343 clearly did not learn anything at all from the massive failure of Halo 4, and no amount of updates are going to fix Halo 5.


Halo 5 = MMC v2.0

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okay so the update was released a couple of days ago but me and a lot of people have noticed the filler content instead of requested content (infection, grif ball, gravity hammer, etc.).


the thing we actually got was just new weapon skins, armours, assassinations and two maps however most of the stuff in the update aren't really good and like i stated above it's just a lot like 'filler' and most of were begging for classic game modes to come back but we were ignored this time.


what are your opinions about this update? to me it was a bit of a disappointment -.-'


I could not agree more.


What made the previous Halo games was not customisation, but the vast amounts of gametypes. (Well, one of the things)

Halo Reach was fantastic in that regard with both brilliant Forge and Customs.


Yet this time around customisation is taking the forefront over actual content.

Halo 5 is beyond disappointing. :)

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Halo 5 is beyond disappointing. 

halo 5 may be a bit disappointing in a lot of aspects but at least it's not as bad as halo 4 which was yes enjoyable but had a terrible forge, a not very interesting story, etc.


halo 5 has improved a lot of flaws that halo 4 had but i'll agree that there are a lot of new flaws in place of the old flaws

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