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RED Team Blue Team forced tomwork together in warzone.


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So I know we are getting warzone firefight and I'm excited but for regular warzone perhaps the pace is getting old.


Now I had an idea when i was playing the division in the dark zone. Friend can become for and foe can become a needed ally.


So what if in regualar warzone they introduce a new Core, a Core that is not belonging to one specific team rather one that triggers a self destruct of the map. Essentially if this core goes boom both teams lose.


Now rather then hey lets take bases destroy the core defeat AI Bosses kill players, player of both team have a common core to defend together or no one gets cake.


Now don't make it the focus of the match but at some few points of the match a horde of AI appear soley with the purpose of destroying enemy Spartans by obliterating the entire map with the self destruct core. Basically of they destroy it it unleashes a guardian or activated a ring that destroys all sentient life.


And it won't break Canon because we all know the covenant are all about going to infinity and beyond blowing the galaxy up"the great journey" and promethians are just data essentially so hey they don't care blow the whole galaxy up yay.


It's just an idea imagine killing red team o ly to find out you need red team to take back a neutral core. Just an idea.

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I get where you're coming from in forcing the team to form a temporary truce, but I don't think it'll work out well.

However if there's just one team defending the core Firefight style (so no opposing team) against AI, that I'd like to see!

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Was this all because the guy killed you and took your loot?


It's just an idea and not a bad one at that to be honest so don't be so harsh on it and try to devalue it as you are doing now. :)


And even if his idea cannot become a thing is still has potential anyway, as Nut said. One team in a traditional Fireight environment for example.

Edited by TR_8R
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Funny story about that, while in the dark zone I helped 4 players secure the extraction point. Well right before I was going to put my loot on there they shot me took my loot... Well knuckleheads didn't realize my respawn point was a safehouse near the extraction point. I also at this point had a high end sniper with a DPS of just over 100k and a headshot damage bonus of 156%. You can guess what happened next yup I took a nice over watch position sniped all 4 of them. Went over to their position pulled out my pistol and execution style shot the one I suspected of being the leader... It was after this I called in my friends who also had high end gear, and decided to sit back and watch the carnage, to take part in the massive loot drop party and we called in an extraction. The next part made me luagh. The same guys show up again but seeing as I had 3 other dudes with me they decided to be good boys and let us take their loot and wait for the next extraction chopper... My team decided to stick around and secure the area for them since we all ran with nearly 3 shot kill guns on elite AI so these derps can extract there left over loot. So it went from ally to enemy back to allies. Also if you see me in the dark zone more than likely I am not alone so don't try taking my loot because my team may be watching and are going to light you up lol. But if your starting out friend me and I'll be more than happy to help you extract things free of killing you.

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