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Halo 5: Can't find a FFA match + no PvE


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Five months after release date of Halo 5, and I can't find a FFA match due to lack of community support.  I live in the San Francisco Bay area, not Outer Mongolia.  I can't play Firefight or Spartan Ops or some type of Horde mode or PvE, because the developers decided to save a bunch of money by not including this.  Warzone is not PvE.

Does not bode well for the Halo franchise.  Save it by including  true PvE in DLC.  Quickly, please.

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Firefight is coming in DLC so don't worry about that.


As for not finding FFA matches, I'm not sure what's going on there. I've played many FFA matches. Maybe you have a high latency to the Halo 5 servers. Everytime I receive that message it only appears for FFA.

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Under Xbox Live's Detailed Network statistics, for my xbox one:

Download speed- 168.35 Mbps

Upload speed-  11.66 Mbps

Packet loss- 0%

MTU - 1480

Latency- 35 ms


If anyone is able to at least tell me what is going on, I would appreciate it.  I have no problem connecting to other games.  I can occasionally get a Slayer match in Halo 5, but it takes a long time.  

Thank you.

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It sounds you aren't able to get matches because you can't connect to the Halo 5 server for FFA for some reason. In my opinion, FFA is a bad playlist anyway. 


Warzone Firefight will be in beta this weekend (starts Thursday actually) so you should try it and see if you like it.  

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