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Why i dont bother pulling my REQS anymore


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So after this last warzone match I'm heated on 343 right now for one thing the phaeton is garbage seriously a fart will knock it out of the sky, I literally wait till half the match I'm waiting for REQ level 9 because it takes  a century to gain that much req when you just pulled out a level 7 mantis and it gets boarded right after it gets out of the garage yup garage campers got to love them so now I'm back to zero and I believe it takes roughly 10 minutes to get back to 9 now I pull out the phaeton and book 3 banshees are just waiting for me and blast me I got 5 seconds of flight time and was dead again wasted a Req it was my last one too but who cares since ill never use the phaeton since its a damn piece of garbage weapon that blows up at the first sight of gunfire. literally I wanted to win I tried and got plenty of kills stole some bases and what not even got the last shot on warden but the enemy got the kill still to this day not sure how that even gets decided. but overall I felt like that match really had no purpose this is how I feel for most of halo 5 is no purpose anymore literally the game has lost so much luster and I cant even stand this anymore because they will make halo 6 and I'm sure its going to be all this hype that will be a dead beat again. I'm at this point not even looking forward to firefight because they REQed the crap out of that too 343 just has to put there dumb spin on this game everytime plus who wants more reqs that will be wasted anyways we wanted more playlist and we get a dumb warthog yay.


Man halo is starting to lose me and its going to lose plenty of people for me I'm probably going to stop playing warzone till firefight comes out and even at that you may actually have to pay me to even play the game at that point.

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