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Cant Party up with friends

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Hello, sorry if this has been posted before (or to death). i searched and couldnt find an answer.


My brother in law recently got the H:MCC and we were trying the other night to party up so we could play either campaign or just against each other. It wouldnt let us join. when either person would send the request, either side will come up with the error


Your connection to the game session has failed, please try again


we are both connected to Live and hardwired. 


we can get on any other game, but not the MCC... 


Any ideas? any help will be great!!!

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The Master Chief Collection is notorious for this problem. I'd say both of you hard restarting your Xboxes and clearing the caches could help. 


  • Turn off Xbox
  • Unplug power cord
  • Press power button while unplugged to release any excess power
  • Plug in and power on from the Xbox not the controller
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