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Is there any way we can get a 1-50 playlist?


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Would it be impossible to have a single 1-50 ranked playlist in halo reach? even just for a month to see how many people play it. Just Have a single Team slayer playlist no bloom where you can vote for DMR or AR starts with pistol secondary. Is it a problem with the coding of the game? a single playlist couldn't hurt and when thinking about it the traditional ranked system might just lure in a lot of players. Me and my friend always say we would play more often if the ranking system was back and I'm sure that alot of people feel the same way.

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Not sure if this is possible, ill leave the technical stuff for twinreaper to answer. Even if it was possible, I dont think it would ever happen. Reach was meant to be different and should stay the way it is. I hate reach with a passion and a ranking system would not change how I feel about the game at all. If you want to rank up go play halo 3 lol. Halo 4 should be the game to bring the ranking system back to us, not Reach.

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but i played halo 3 for years. This is a new regime, this isn't Bungie's halo reach anymore it's 343's. they can do whatever they want with it. i proposing something that could just be experimental and potentially get a bigger player base.

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