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Avada Kedavra! Will you let death take you, or greet him like an old friend?


“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good.” – CaptainDireWolf


Map Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/map-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=CaptainDireWolf#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_CaptainDireWolf_6b0898ff-14b0-4259-bf8a-a52069c6b49d

Gametypes supported: Team Slayer, Strongholds, CTF, and Multi-team.




Welcome to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Which wizarding house will you get sorted into? Funny enough, multi-team works pretty well for this map as the colors are red: Gryffindor, blue: Ravenclaw, Yellow: Hufflepuff, and Green: Slytherin. Otherwise, prepare your wands... for players can now battle across familiar locations throughout the legendary castle from Harry Potter. Eternal glory awaits those that win.




The Design


I built the castle based on a variety of blueprints I saw online, along with dozens of images from the movies. I had to make slight alterations to the map in order for it to be playable within Halo’s gameplay, so that you can reach various ledges, hopefully adding to a more fluid flow of gameplay. However, it was impossible to make this a hardcore competitive map, as it was built with more of a focus on aesthetics. So simply enjoy it for what it is; casual fun.


You can duel within Hogwarts classrooms, courtyards, and castle ramparts. There’s also the clock tower with functioning pendulum, and of course the tower with moving staircases. Finally, you’ll also be able to fight within the Great Hall, where you can either hang out by the fire drinking some Butterbeer, or check out the sorting hat itself on the head table.






Keeping true to the books and movies, I worked to pair halo’s weapon sets with wizard-type attacks. Work to gain access to the elder wand (aka. the railgun), the resurrection stone (overshield power up), and the invisibility cloak (obviously the invisibility power up). Other power weapons include the sniper rifle, shotgun, and the hammer (which emits force charges like spells). Again, the map allows for all sorts of gametypes of your desire, so pick what you feel is best.


As always, I welcome any and all suggestions to improve my maps. I hope you enjoy your time with something that certainly invoked nostalgia for me. Cheers!


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