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Halo 4 Sound stops every time the game is paused.

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This is apparently a very common issue, one which I have found no resolution to. Every time I pause in Halo 4, the environmental, dialogue, and cutscene audio cuts out and does not return on its own. The only way I have found to make it return is to exit the game to the main menu, and to resume at my last saved checkpoint.


This is a very annoying bug, and the prevalence of it on message boards dating back to 2015 at least is very troubling.


I even uninstalled and reinstalled the game, to no avail.


Anyone found a fix?

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Is this on Xbox 360 or Xbox One? I have never encountered this issue on the 360 myself. If it's on the XB1 and there is a history of this issue, it's likely the fact that the XB1 has to suedo emulate certain aspects of code previous to current games running the new x86 code base. I am unaware of any fix, and if it's been two years....I wouldn't hold my breath for a fix.

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