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What? No SWAT?!?

Daddy Biscuits

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For sure Mayh3m...I will bide my time playing coop legendary and trying out firefight but SWAT's my favorite and when they killed that playlist in 3 I actually sold my 360...now I'm back with a slim and will hang through until 4 drops and enjoy the heck out of that in 2012/2013...wow, my kids will both be in school by then...wow! So, yeah, I can be patient...I just love pick-up-n-play SWAT sessions...a riot on Swordbase, Reflection, Powerhouse and I'd love to stroll down memory lane on Hang 'em High like I did in Halo 2 way back when.

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I laugh at you swat people.

At the same time, I completely understand. Once you get used to no shield settings; thats all you can really handle. I recall being a booster for Halo 3 Swat. Swat all day. Swat all night. Then I tried going to MLG Boosting. Didn't work out so well for the first few weeks. Just remember that you can always enjoy customs until or even IF they add the Swat mix for MP.

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  On 11/15/2011 at 7:52 PM, Daddy Biscuits said:

I know, I've heard SWAT wasn't in CE but it's in Reach and there are a lot of people that play this list...please, 343, please add a SWAT playlist in HCEA soon!

ok i know that there are halo anniversary playlists which are played on the remastered halo ce maps, but i think halo reach paylists such as swat and invasion etc may also be playable on the halo ce remastered maps im not 100% sure on that but i think so, so if that is true then all you need to do is put halo reach on select swat and im sure the new maps will show up in the voting round

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Adam, I didn't make myself clear then...I was referring to owners of HCEA, not Reach...I have Reach now but it's on loan from a friend who wants it back now that I have anniversary. HCEA MM is pretty sparse...not near the variety of EVERY other Halo games out there. FF only has one map that I saw...and while it was fun and got me a lot of XP points last night it doesn't have the constant appeal of SWAT matches...nobody in that was micd up...absolutely no strategy...it was just run-n-gun race to see who could slaughter the waves of bots...seems pretty mindless. SWAT at least people call out positions, enemies behind, watch backs, etc. And really, HaloCE is a 10-year old game and despite spruced up visuals and nostalgia, it's a flawed game by today's standards. For multiplayer, Reach is clearly a better package at the same $39 price.

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