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Treasure Island


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Welcome to Treasure Island, you brutish scallywags!
Gametype: "Swashbuckler"



Arrrr! You've been left marooned on this god-forsaken archipelago, but HEY there's treasure hidden everywhere! It's up to you and your crew to secure as much of the treasure in your boat as you can before other pirates steal it for themselves.


Game Mechanics:
Find hidden treasure, grab the ball, (or pearl), throw it into your boat to score 20 points. Killing an enemy pirate grants you 1 point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

There are a total of 20 dug up treasure chest hidden around the island. A random 10 will spawn with treasure in them so the game is different every time. After 4 minutes and also 8 minutes a new batch of treasure will spawn in random chests to keep people actively searching for booty.


In the small shanty town located in the center of the map you will find two markets, one red and one blue. Here, your respective team can purchase better weapons, the most you acquire treasure. Good luck finding all of the secrets of the island and I hope you enjoy the map. See you all in Davy Jones' Locker.


With that, I want to give major THANKS to:
A Squid Loaf for all of the amazing scripting that made this map function properly. He also made the horse stable!


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