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Official Halo 4 Facts and Rumors [No Open Beta]


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This is the Official Facts and Rumors thread for all Halo 4 related items.



To stop lots of threads about news on halo 4 I have decided to create this thread to host all the halo 4 news

Tells us halo 4 news here!

Facts confirmed about halo 4:

It is set on sigma 7

new armor for the chief

A new pistol type grenade launcher


Possible halo 4 facts:


possible spartan allies as blue team is stuck on the planet.


Tell me some more halo 4 facts and news or correct my facts. :laughing:


Original post by john-117 Original post:http://www.343indust...hotos-and-info/ I found some very intresting photos today while scrolling through the waypoint photos on facebook:



The one on the bottom left looks like it could very well be a remake of Highground but, I say the coolest one is Kronos!


Now here are the vehicle images I found:


Here is what was given on the vehicles on the Facebook page:





Hear are the new vehicles for Halo 4 there are the new Pelican / The Sparrow, the new drop ship witch has no name but it is flyable, and last the new scorpion its the same as the old one but it has more power more speed new turret and new guns


He also said that these were posted on waypoint awhile back and then taken down in a few minutes.


Please speculate below!




This is a quote from the official 343Industries Website;


"While we are testing Halo 4 code, gameplay, and systems at significant scale to get excellent data, input, and feedback, we are focused on polishing and shipping our experience for the duration of the year, and splitting resources to manage and build a beta is not on our schedule,".



After a lot more speculation, Microsoft released this statement;


"We plan to test both gameplay and code features rigorously and at a meaningful scale throughout the course of 2012 to ensure a great experience at launch, but we have no plans for a public multiplayer beta for Halo 4."





These two legitimate statements confirm the non existence of a Halo 4 Beta. There will not be a public beta released to the public, only invitees will be asked to test the game just before release. Some including MLG pros.

As saying that, read this post before making your own, as it's a waste of time asking when this topic denies the exist entirely.


Thanks to Azaxx for providing me with this information.

Edited by Señor Fire
Promoted to the Official Halo 4 F&R thread. Other OP and some content merged into this thread. Some non essential comments have been deleted to tidy the post. Deleted posts will not affect members post counts or rank.
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Blue team is not stuck on or in Sigma 7. They were trapped along with Dr. Halsey, Tom, Lucy, Chief Mendez, Team saber and team Katana in Trevelyan, or the micro-dyson sphere inside Onyx, also known as a shield world. They were later released from Trevelyan during the events described in Halo: Glasslands.

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  On 11/18/2011 at 11:47 PM, Brony said:

The engine is based off of either Halo 3 or 2. :D I'm pretty sure 3.


(Game Informer.)

What???? The is a completely new system being brought online for Halo 4. Twin has referred to it previously. I have link the interview with the programmer were she stated such in another thread.

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  On 11/18/2011 at 11:55 PM, Absolute Dog said:

What???? The is a completely new system being brought online for Halo 4. Twin has referred to it previously. I have link the interview with the programmer were she stated such in another thread.

Ya dude thats what I thought and or heard it was going to be a whole new thing.

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I PRAY TO JESUS YOU ARE WRONG. If its Reach's engine, I just might give up on Halo. That's a BIG thing for me to say too, I've been playing nothing but Halo since I was literally about 6. I always been an incredibly loyal fan to Halo until Reach. I don't. Like the engine. ...at all.

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  On 11/24/2011 at 4:07 PM, Absolute Dog said:

Samfish created this thread and I pinned it, end of story.

listen im not claimng that i made this look a the first post i made in this thread, it did say a few days ago that i created it when i didnt i was just wanting to know why it said that, ok

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In an video posted at 4:01 today on G4TV Frank O'Conner about the future of the Halo franchise as well as where it has been. Listen closely to what he says about the feel and story line of Halo 4.The Halo franchise might have practically invented the shooter, but even with over 40 million copies sold and 3.3 billion online hours logged, it's not slowing down. Adam Sessler hears from 343 Industries' Frank O'Connor on the future of Halo.

G4TV Link


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also the human covenant war is over thus for there might be covenant allies maybe not but no where does it say the covenant likes humanity still after the war but the elites for sure do they have been allies in halo 2 and 3 since th grunts have nothing to do and they arent disciplined anyway apperance in halo 4 is not likely... i think hunters might be in halo 4 as allies, brutes,maybe. spartan IIIs thatd be cool if there are any left after the reach teams and i think the books say that the team from onyx is still alive,i dont know havent read the new one but to see my suggestion for halo games see my reply at my forum i made today: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/4689-good-ideas-for-upcoming-halos/

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  On 11/18/2011 at 3:52 AM, SamF1sh said:

This is the Official Facts and Rumors thread for all Halo 4 related items.



To stop lots of threads about news on halo 4 I have decided to create this thread to host all the halo 4 news

Tells us halo 4 news here!

Facts confirmed about halo 4:

It is set on sigma 7

new armor for the chief

A new pistol type grenade launcher


Possible halo 4 facts:


possible spartan allies as blue team is stuck on the planet.


Tell me some more halo 4 facts and news or correct my facts. :laughing:

Pulling the OP's original back up to restate the nature of the thread. Stay on topic, this is not an AA's thread guys.

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K i'm not posting this to troll or hate on halo but in all honestly this is Halo's last chance. Halo Reach sucked sooooo bad. We all know its not just me and my friends. If you look at Major League Gaming, there following with halo has gone down hill. The population for Reach isn't anywhere near what Halo 3 was. 20,000 for Reach 200,000 for Halo 3.

This is what I want to see from halo 4:





If these things get applied to halo 4 then I'm sure this game will sell way more than halo 3. We need to bring be the fun competitive game that was halo 1, 2, and 3. Discard the crap called Reach

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