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hi, from Bungie.net

Planet Etrius

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Okay now I am not the best with seeing the whole picture nor do I have keen sense of detail. I may be a bit of a Halo radical and I see that now. I didn't hate Reach and still don't, but I don't think it was the best Halo either. I honestly believe that many of the reasons the "core fan base" say they hate Reach for are actually in hindsight only coincidental affected aspects that are made to branch off from the real issues. And I believe one of those is that Reach wasn't really part of the epic and familiar trilogy we know and love. Reach on its own honestly didn't impress me much as a story I admit. Maybe it was a little sketchy because Bungie was kind of taking a leap of faith even though I am one of the many that promoted this. I still thought Reach had a great campaign the first time I played through, but it just lacked diversity or at least a feel of different scenarios. I think the main issue is that in truth Reach is like a entirely new IP in spirit and it failed to capture us like CE. It was like trying to breed a new and nostalgic feel in a evolved body, but that role is already cemented in CE. It is a prequel and was intended to stand alone from the other games. It didn't inherent the legacy and energy from the other games naturally. It truly had to be built from the ground up in that sense and this is what we missed. Maybe it would have been 5xs more impressive if it was Halo 4 and we were still with chief. If we were going with some passed on energy from previous games, but it wasn't. It was a stand alone title and relative to the cohesive glory of the other games it just didn't match up. And it didn't grab us like CE did when it kicked off the trilogy.


But now I'm not going to try to rant about campaign or even about other aspects of Halo because like I said before I am not the best with details and seeing the whole picture. I don't hate Reach so I'm not going to rant anyway. I want to say hi and I hope to post some idea and discussion threads later on and get along with this community, and just observe the creative bomb rush of activity on these forums.

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