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Site Poll 86: How do you want the armour unlock system to work in Halo Infinite?

Ranger Intel

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Hi everyone, Spartan here with site poll #86.



Last week we compared our favourite matchmaking playlists, and the thread will give you one hell of a throwback. Click here to view the last poll, #85.






How do you want the armour-unlock system to work in Halo Infinite?



We talked about the REQ system a couple of weeks ago, and one strong point for criticism is how it has completely flawed the armour-unlock system. I personally see Halo 3 as having the best armour-unlock system out of all games. Halo Infinite needs to not only consider realistic designs (no idea what they were thinking in Halo 5 with some helmets), but the means of unlocking each armour piece needs to be seriously reconsidered.


What armour-unlock system do you want to see in Halo Infinite? One of the older ones, or something completely new?


Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,

Spartan out.     :yay:

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I posted about it in the other Poll thing, but I want it to return to a Halo: Reach system where you buy the armor with cR and whatever. You can unlock special armor by doing super special tasks, and if you want to not have to deal with any of that then you can also buy your way to the armor like an a-hole.


Of course, our glorious Vidmaster, Recon, Nightfall, Helioskrill WHAT THE HELL EVER will NOT be bought! NU UH. NO.

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This is a topic that I had created a long while ago on Waypoint in regards to what I thought the future of Halo's multiplayer unlocks/req system should be like. However, it of course was locked, Because there was already ONE topic in regards to the req system, or something. Anyways, here it is.



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Edited by Mr Kittens and Gibberish
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Like everyone so far, I'm generally in favour of a Reach-style unlock system. You play the game, you earn credits, you spend those credits on undersuits, helmets, attachments, skins, whatever.


However, I'd particularly like to see a much more modular style of customisation. For example, if you like the up-armoured versions of the Mark V and CQB helmets in Reach, you need to unlock the base version of both, and then the up-armoured versions of each. Under a modular unlock system, you'd spend credits to unlock the base versions of each, and then unlock increased armour as a single, separate thing, which could then be applied to any helmets you own in the same way as visor colours.


You could even have a tree of unlocks. A base version of a helmet might be cheap - twenty minutes of multiplayer, say. But once you own it, it unlocks another pair of helmets, and those two each unlock another pair of helmets. If you find one you like? You can spend credits to upgrade it, every upgrade allowing you to equip another attachment simultaneously. It's a good way to sink credits into things, and give players a real sense of progression as they unlock new items on the road to their favourite, or to make that favourite even more customisable.


There's so much you could do with this. Armour material options could let players choose between a glossy or matte finish; wear and tear could mean it looks fresh out of the factory or weathered and damaged; individual pieces might be cracked, or discoloured, sporting field repairs or emblems. You could have the shiny, chainmail-style undersuit from Halo 4, the softer, more fabric style from Halo 5, or even the more traditional, armoured ones from Reach. Attach an ammo pouch to your upper arm; a combat knife to your hip; maybe a tacpad on your wrist. Hell, attach a tacpad to every piece of armour! And why stop at just the armour itself? Maybe you want your energy shields to be red, or to make the classic noise while they're down and recharging, or your HUD to be purple? Perhaps you even want hard armour to appear around the edges of your screen, as it did throughout Halo 4's campaign?


And that's before we even begin to talk about monetisation. Let people just buy game credits with real money, or to immediately unlock a specific item at max rank, even if they haven't otherwise unlocked it.


Lastly - you think the current ocean of garbage in the REQ system is there because they honestly expect people to like it? Of course not! It's there to dilute the REQ pool, to decrease your chances of getting something actually worthwhile to frustrate you into spending more money on REQ packs. Under a system like this, there's no point adding crap since people just won't buy it and it doesn't hinder people from getting what they want, so we also get the nice side-effect of them having to produce high-quality items which people actually want to buy.

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Since most of what I think has already been said, I'll add the thing i would like to see that hasn't.  Unlockable additional bipeds for use! 



Traditionally throughout the Halo franchise we have always had to choose between either a Spartan or an Elite.  I would love to see a top tier combo of credits and Vidmaster to unlock additional characters like Brutes, Forerunners, Marines, etc...    I know yes, we have armor that looks like ODST's and shiz, but I think it would be cool if I wanted to jump into PvP or PvE with a Marine, ODST or another species.  No stat advantage other than height or player bulkiness would interupt gameplay, and it would allow a wider variety of playing in both campaign and multiplayer.  Want to rock a Miranda or Jacob Keyes in Battle dress uniforms...go fo it!  Ever wanted to run down some peeps in a Warthog as a Flood....yes please!


The player representation doesn't and shouldn't need to be locked between 2 choices, and opening up other bipeds along with biped specific armors is a great way to expand the customization. 

Edited by Twinreaper
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I honestly would not mind going a Halo Reach style unlock system, using credits (CR) and rank level makes SO MUCH more sense than a RNG gamble.


The thing about it though looking at the game from a profit standpoint you know they will have some sort of a loot-box system integrated with it, which honestly scares me.. If I wanna rock CQB or Recon I shouldn't have to fork out 9 euros for it, it's absolutely absurd when it should have just been a unshockable item in the first place.


I have many problems with the way the unlock system works in Halo 5 and I just hope they find a better solution that meets the communities needs.



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