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What are your thoughts about the forum in it's current state?


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What do you think about it? Do you still like it? What do you enjoy the most nowadays?


Personally, I still come here from time to time purely because I'm bored and want to socialize, I know the forums hay-day has kinda past us now but I still enjoy our quaint little slice of the world wide web. :)



Thoughts anyone?

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I mean I don't know.  There is something to be said about having just that tight nit group of people.....but the conversation and value isn't near what it was.  I guess maybe I would feel differently if most of didn't just see eachother here, but were like...actual friends irl like on Facebook or other form of media.  I still come here because I miss talking to a lot of you.  Iirc, the only people I actual talk to outside the site is Drizzy (still have your number even though I havent texted in a while) and SD (facebook buds 4 life!)

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The forum has and always will have a special place in my heart. I still log on everyday and see whats up and try to post. That being said, I can't say that I particularly love were it it is right now. 


Lets go back to early 2012 when I joined. I'd say that 99% of the regular members that would be in the shout box and on xbox everyday  are no longer here. The shoutbox was something that was constantly going and messages would be gone in moments because of how many new messages were being sent. Long running jokes, rivalries, friendships and the like were rampant. PM boxes would have 5 or more messages in them every time you logged in, and notifications wouldn't be one or two, it'd be in the 50's some nights.


The forum has definitely slowed and I am willing to bet that the best days of the forums are behind us. 


That being said, it isn't time to jump ship, it isn't time to give up because I still, and I assume many of you since you are here, get some level of enjoyment out of it and the people that are here. This place has made an impact on so many people. Go look at the profiles of older members that haven't posted or been seen in years. Many of them have logged on within a few months or a year. Sure they don't post but they come and check in because of the impact it has had on them.


Who knows, maybe when the new halo launches we will get some more activity and with an effort we can make this place pop again. Regardless of the state of the forum, and how many members are here as long as we continue to enjoy it thats all that matters.


Love you all  :heart:

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