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Why are so many halo players so big headed and impatient?

Planet Etrius

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Why do so many halo players have to be so racy and alienating? Like when I host a custom game there'll be players who always act like "OMG this ass hole wants to do his map....". I don't intentionally try to put on bad maps. I care people have fun, but people keep acting like I'm a little ***** that can't take criticism. I can. I don't know if a map is fun until I play the game. I've had a lot of fun games with people and some slower ones. I realize that, but even if a game is slow usually people socialize and screw around. They act like they have to shut up and bear it when I'm the leader, and sometimes people will ass blast me or even flip the **** out on me after a game ends after being quiet for the whole time. Some times I'll have a game that is going smooth and at a good pace too, but at the end of the game like half the party will leave and people will make some **** ass comments. I know it's just me, but why is it that people JUST HAVE TO ****ing make me a "have not" and be so unnatural to me. I know this sounds like I'm bitching about bullies or whatever. Bullies are old. I'm not calling them random asses, but maybe they are and maybe they're not. People acting impulsive and uncooperative is ******* old as ****. That's why it's frustrating. And it's just frustrating. Ok so IDK, tips would help. I feel like people are just not trying to have fun and naturally **** blocking me for reasons I don't ******* know like people always do to people.

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I choose good friends most of the time to play with. Whoever criticizes my maps if it did not have what they want, I say "well too bad bro."


Like a 25% chance to meet up with guys that don't talk trash and say good game, those guys you want to be friends with.

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As frustrating as it may be, the bad sometimes outnumber the good. You are in a good place to start though! (343i.org) :thumbsup:

Although I personally don't fool around with forge, there are quite a few members here that enjoy testing new maps. Try posting a "Map Testing" topic to get feedback on your maps before heading to XBL. You will get better input and suggestions in a non-competitive environment and without the negative comments.

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If you think Halo is bad, well, you've never played MW3. My brother gets cussed out almost every game. (I don't play any CoD game.) As far the number of ******** in Halo, it's in all games. People will be ******** when they realize they will never interact with the other person. So these guys are right. Find a new group and mute.

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