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Quilts/Choot 'em Carnage

Choot 'em

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Well, I learned a valuable lesson yesterday......




It was very amusing though. So here is the rundown and a few screenshots to go with it.


Sent invite and right away I could tell I was going to have a troublesome match ahead of me. Quilts was all giggly and seemed to be excited about the wrath she was about to unleash on me. She knew right away that she wanted a custom 'Rockets' match on the map 'Guardian'. I graciously complied and proceeded to "start match" and braced myself, for I knew not what to expect. She was explaining how for the past 2 years she had played and practiced 'Rockets' on Guardian and that's when it hit me......



She was thorougly enjoying every single kill! Even taking cheap shots at my downed SPARTAN by tossing a plasma to my dead body and then immediately laughing out of pure enjoyment! How could I compete against such fury?? I was doomed!! But then, by luck or chance, I managed to get my first kill. I believe at that point the score was 7 to 1. I had to make a comeback so I immediately went on the offensive and began to catch up. I couldn't just give up!! I did manage to come within 2 or 3 kills at one point and although I gave it my all, I was ultimately defeated! I congratulated her and she in return commended me for my valiant hard fought effort.


So the final score was...

imakequilts - 25

Master Kensei - 16


Carnage report.....

imakequilts - 25k/16d +9

Master Kensei - 16k/25d -9


Screenshots are small so to view full size, go here under tab Files.

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Choot'em you are a formidable opponent. I did HAVE to give it my all to win that match. But 31 days of frustration WERE built up. :aggressive: YOU did not have a chance! :D Oh and I may have mislead you on how long I have been playing Rockets on Guardian. Guess It was January 2008 when I started practicing Rockets on Guardian every night. :laser: The first Xbox we bought was the Halo 3 special edition one. Oh and I was on occasion playing Rockets on Halo 2 before that... I do apologize for throwing that blue sticky thing on your body the first time I killed you. That was not very nice of me to attack when you were already down. Glad you did the screenshots because every time I started I got interrupted. I will get back to that later. :lol:


Choot'em you are awesome :awesome: at making puzzles. And I consider myself a good puzzle solver. I am very very happy that it is over because now I will be able to sleep :sleeping: . I am happy to call you my friend :friends:. But please no more puzzles for a while . You have driven me crazy :crazy: enough. And I would hate to have to challenge you to another 1V1 Match :yahoo:

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