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Amour lock modifications, good or bad?

Unease Peanut

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I personally like the changes of duration but some thing are taken out for wich armour lock was meant to be. Like a plasma grenade does not deflect anymore and kills you instantly while in armour lock but armour lock was meant to be used against explosions.


So theres my thought leave yours below. :)

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  On 1/10/2012 at 5:33 PM, Ms. Mystic said:

It was meant to be used against explosions, sure. Plasma grenade shedding, in my eyes, made them almost useless. I personally enjoy the modifications made to armour lock, but I do believe these changes would have some issues in something like Invasion.

They have nerfed armour lock on the elite side by switching the needler to a plasma rifle and only gave them 1 plasma grenade that makes invasion a lot harder on the elite side.

And as far with the sticky thing I didnt have any trouble with thousands of players deflecting my grenades (just throw em under their feet and wait till they get out).

I stick with my point on the deflection thing...

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The only real problems I had with it were that infuriating EMP-melee combo which made close quarters almost impossible to win even with power weapons like the Shotgun and Gravity Hammer, and the fact that due to some slightly odd bugs players could use it to delay being killed and recharge shields even after exiting it.


I like the fact that players can now just be shot out of it, but I'm not keen on it losing its ability to shed plasma grenades. That should have been part of the tactical choice when choosing loadouts: do you risk getting stuck with a 'nade or do you risk not having enough manoeuvrability?

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People complaining about AL killing them in close range annoys me a bit, thats kinda the reason it has emp, to take out shields and disable vehicles. It's like complaining about the power of the shotgun in close quarters. Die once maybe twice to CQ emp, but after that you should know what to expect, same with the shotty, stay back a bit instead :S

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I do like how it is more like a portable over-shield than a portable invincibility machine. I never liked how it could shed off a plasma grenade, cause when you get stuck, you should stay that way. It's difficult to actually stick someone if they know what they are doing, and armor lock sort of made things more newb friendly.


Plus, having to wait just outside melee range for someone to finally exit AL is kind of tedious. It's not a HUGE problem, but it IS annoying, and that's all it is. There is no strategy involved in that. So I'm glad people can be shot out of it now.

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  On 1/11/2012 at 5:40 PM, The Director said:

I do like how it is more like a portable over-shield than a portable invincibility machine. I never liked how it could shed off a plasma grenade, cause when you get stuck, you should stay that way. It's difficult to actually stick someone if they know what they are doing, and armor lock sort of made things more newb friendly.


Plus, having to wait just outside melee range for someone to finally exit AL is kind of tedious. It's not a HUGE problem, but it IS annoying, and that's all it is. There is no strategy involved in that. So I'm glad people can be shot out of it now.

Did you mean that people can actually be killed while in AL? Cuz if so, i've been missing out.

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  On 1/11/2012 at 12:44 PM, Zorbing said:

People complaining about AL killing them in close range annoys me a bit, thats kinda the reason it has emp, to take out shields and disable vehicles. It's like complaining about the power of the shotgun in close quarters. Die once maybe twice to CQ emp, but after that you should know what to expect, same with the shotty, stay back a bit instead :S


No, it isn't like complaining about the power of the shotgun at all. You can make up for the shotgun's lack of range by switching to another weapon, charging at the enemy, or using grenades. You can see the shotgun and know to avoid it, or be cautious about going into enclosed spaces.


From the front, you can't see if someone has Armor Lock, so you don't know to stay back. It means that your ability to melee attack becomes useless, so you are effectively losing a weapon versus your opponent. And since the spawning weapons are only effective at close range, don't even bother resorting to the argument of just fighting from longer range. Try and get an Assault Rifle kill without melee or beyond the length of three or four Warthogs and see how well that goes.

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