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Sangheili and Forge, among other things!

Fal 'Verassee

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Right, now I have not been on here in a while, and this is my new account. I would just like to make something clear, which will be about Sangheili, or Elites as many of you know them as.

Will there be any?


We want them playable like on Halo 3 and Halo Reach. There are a lot of amazing Sangheili clans that will continue to love Sangheili forever, and the ones that I have asked said they will give up Halo if there is none, and that is like fifty. Sangheili are apart of this vast community, and a majority are Sangheili. Great wars will not continue if they are erased, none of it will. Wars will become pointless and everyone will be down.


Another thing, can we have a more awesome Forge. Reach's Forge was not amazing, although it was good when it came out. We want something that will continue to amaze us even after a Year, or a day. Maybe a lot larger spaces to Forge, and definately more objects. The objects are so rubbish and bland, add more vehicles, Pelicans; Phantoms and Spirits. Forklifts and Troop Warthogs, things like that.

If possible Supercarriers, and other Covenant ships and UNSC ships. Yes we want actual ships to Forge, making them out of normal objects is time consuming and they look terrible. Please, this is what we want.


Animal and custom AI's would be cool. A lot of people who I have asked thought it would be cool to have animals, wild animals on Forge so that they can attack you and such. More effects, e.g. blood stains and bodies from all species.


And custom Assassinations, we are able to make our own Assassinations, we purchase options via credits and add them to our Assassinations as we please long or short.



Mainly focus on Forge 343 please, make it a lot better, add all the things we want and spend some time and a lot of money on it. This is 2012, graphics are amazing can we please have a huge Forge, and you can quote me on huge. Last of all, do not turn Halo into a COD game. Do not make it not skillful, or add crappy perks, or stupid attachments, things are fine. Maybe a few tweaks but make Forge a tonne better, and we will love you forever.


~ Paarthurnax

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halo does not resemble cod and it never has in anyway other than its a fps and it hasnt began to change where it's beginning to resemble cod so that shouldnt be a worry to anyone, also its very unlikely we will get to operate super carriers in forge,but the custom assassinations sound pretty cool.

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