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Something not mentioned in alot of forums


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Do not EVER bring up Call of Duty in these forums.....again.


There's nothing wrong with bringing it up in the forums. Everyone is able to discuss whatever game they want in the "Other Games" section of the board. If they want to talk about COD, they're free to talk about COD. This board should be a place for fans of all types games to come as well as Halo fans. Halo may be the main focus, but it doesn't mean that people cannot discuss other games.

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Wait, what do you want again? I cant tell if you want multiple spartans per account or a new pause menu O.o


I think he means that if one player presses pause in splitscreen it only covers up their section with a pause menu, not everybody's like it does now.


Not sure if I agree, anyway. Pause doesn't have any use online and it's much better if everyone gets paused together in splitscreen, as otherwise it's unfair on the player who is paused.

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Oh actually I do agree with him there. I hangout with my friends alot and we always split screen for reach, sometimes up to 4 people. And of course, something happens ingame were one person has to pause and we all have to wait for them. Weve lost games because someone accidentally hit the menu and one of us lost the DMR battle they was in >.< so seeing that improvement from CoD implemented would be great.

Also, the killfeed actually writes itself across your aiming reticle, screwing over our accuracy. Which is another great reason why it shouldnt be written in complete english.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't even think it's a matter of "copying" CoD's pause screen or how it works, like some people seem to think. It's just a matter of an improvement having been made to the UI for CoD first, and will undoubtedly happen for Halo. So let's not associate two titles that have so little in common just because one received a logical UI improvement while the other hasn't yet.


In short: It's likely going to happen in H4. And if it doesn't, 343i obviously wasn't paying attention to the splitscreen pause screen.



Blessings of Twam upon you. :heart:

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The only reason I would allow someone to bring up COD was if they would do so to talk about how horrible of a game it is.


But yes this would be great. Me and my twin always play splitscreen and it can get annoying at times.

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