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Microsoft Defend Lack of Exclusives

Spectral Jester

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Microsoft has attempted to talk down worries about the lack of core exclusives for the Xbox 360, saying that their approach is "quality and impact" instead of the "number of releases in a year."


Speaking to GameInformer (via IndustryGamers), Xbox's corporate vice president Phil Spencer said, "Creating core IP, as many first-and third-parties have seen over the years, isn't an easy thing. I went through the process of creating Gears with Epic and I know the sweat, time, and effort that went into it. I also worked on things like Alan Wake, Too Human, Crackdown, and stuff that didn't hit the same level of success, but had an equal amount of sweat equity and heart go into getting created."


"So it will continue to be something that we focus on with new partners like Crytek and new people that aren't announced yet. We do think that it's fundamental that core gamers look at 360 as the place they want to play games."


Microsoft roster of core exclusives, particularly strong in the early part of the 360's life-cycle, has dwindled somewhat in recent times. Due in part to the company's increased focus on Kinect and the transformation of their console into a set-top box, we've got less and less titles to crow about.


Let's hope that the new Halo and Alan Wake games, as well as those core Kinect efforts Fable: The Journey and Ryse hit the spot this year.

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Exclusives are a stupid idea, game companys should be making games for all platforms and uniting all gamers, exclusives just seem to divide players. The less the better.


Yes it divides players, but that's how they get their console to sell by exclusives. A lot of people own a 360 for Halo including myself.

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I can see why exclusive's benefit the console, as many people buy the console just for that game, however like One I do think it creates a rift between gamers where there shouldn't be one. I really don't care about exclusives, I just care that the game is good.

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