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Suggestions for Halo 4 Matchmaking?


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First and foremost, get rid of the loadouts. In my opinion, the loadout feature has ruined the entire Halo experience. I think most of the Halo vets will agree with me on that one. Why be lazy and use a jetpack when you can learn super bounces like in Halo 2. Why be a ***** and hide under your armor lock when you can strategically plan out the smartest time to pick up the overshield.


Next. BR > DMR. The DMR is trash. The BR was such a better go to weapon. I mean come on, strafing and placing your shots is enough to comprehend, but to strafe, place, and TIME your shots? Get real Bungie. I really hope 343 destroys the DMR and brings back the BR.


Ranking system. The Halo: Reach ranking system is the worst ranking system I've ever experienced in any game, ever. You don't even have a number that says how skilled you are! Instead, all you get is a symbol that says how much you play! I would much rather be ranked on how WELL I play the game, not on how much I PLAY the game. Halo 2 had my favorite ranking system. All you need is a simple, solid number that says your skill. I remember when I first got my 30, how pretty the colors were on that number. Halo 3's ranking system was ok, but then again, experience points and grades are unnecesary to me.


Glitches. I miss all of Halo 2's glitches. Super bouncing, BXR, Double shot, getting outside of maps, etc. I had so much fun with all of these glitches in matchmaking. I also had a lot of fun trying to figure them out in custom games with a group of friends. I would love to see 343 bring back the super bounce, and throw in some glitches of their own.


One thing that I have always wanted to see is a custom matchmaking playist. No vetos, no majority vote, just pick a map, pick a gametype, and search for others who have the same custom settings as yourself. Of course keep all of the other playlists like Doubles, Snipers, Rumblepit, etc. Just add 'custom matchmaking' to the playlist. I would also like to see 1v1. Halo 2 had it for a bit but they pulled it as well as on Halo 3. It was there for about 6 months in each game until it was pulled. This time I hope 343 keeps it.


Last but not least, I hope to see a lot of the old maps return in their original forms. Lockout is the best Halo map of them all. I really like Blackout too, but it's just not the same. The reason these maps are brought back is because they were so popular and highly demanded. If you're going to bring an old map back just leave it the way it is. I don't care if you have a good idea on how to improve it. If it's a classic, it doesn't need improvement, so don't alter it. Here is a list of maps I hope to see in Halo 4.

Lockout, Ascention, Guardian, Construct, Cold Storage, Headlong, Beaver Creek, The Pit, Midship, Ivory Tower. The list goes on. I think most of the maps in H2 and H3 were amazing, but there are a couple that just suck.

Honestly, I think I just miss the old Halo experience. I really hope 343 removes every intention Bungie had for Reach and brings back the old features to relive and continue to enjoy the 'Halo experience.'




Oh yeah, one more thing i forgot to mention. I always thought team captains would be cool. For example, say you enter team slayer and 8 players are randomly selected. I think the top 2 players with the highest rank should be the team captains. Then the other players will be chosen by the team captains based on their stats, rank, name, annoyingness or however they feel to pick their teammates. I think it would add a little more fairness and teamwork to the halo experience but not so much that it completely changes the game... like Reach.

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Battle rifles should return along with beam rifles :)


And as for the glitches they wont be added in on purpose however you never know you might get lucky.


And I love the idea of a custom play list but it would not work. Perhaps a Join random custom game with the option to set filters like greater than 5 players would be more efficient.


Also I don't think the team captains idea wold work either :(


And as for the general matchmaking I would like to see these issues dealt with in Halo 4 as i feel they make reach less fun:


People taking constant damage, Armour locking and somehow recharging there shield in Armour lock... I tried you can not do it so why can they?

Killing each other at the same time... While it may happen occasionally I have lost count of the times a corpse has pummeled me or shot me... (Particularly noticable on grifball when the other player can hit you way before they should have been able to)

Bulltrue should mean you do not then die... It defeats the object. Fix bulltrue and remove sword block.

Weapons should not re spawn during black screens. If there is ONE rocket launcher on the map then ONE should stay... I Played a game earlier on boardwalk with 3 people with rockets and it just gets silly.

Changing hosts for no obvious reason? Game isnt lagging, nobody quits and yet reach still feels the need to change host.

Black screens lasting more than 5 minutes

Black screens resetting the timer of the game back to 14 mins or whatever

Black screens resulting in the game freezing or kicking everybody to the lobby

People sticking you and the sound not playing

People miss sticking you and the grenade teleporting onto you (Maybey lag but Halo 3 never did it)

Being killed by a Frag grenade with 80% shields.

Vehicles being catapulted out of the map for no obvious reason?

Committing suicide while assassinating someone

Projectiles not detonating after a black screen

People assassinating cannot be hit in the back for the showstopper. Why?

People being shot Point blank with the shotgun for lowered shields...

4 shots in the spartan laser? no 5

Limit the number of evades a banshee can do

Make vehicles stronger

When the time comes don't be stingy with the community maps. They are perhaps the most fun and are not updated very often.

Make the voting system more intuitive. If nobody votes for a map one round don't have it appear the next round of votes.

People hiding behind a rock and you cant see there head or gun yet they can shoot you... if you cant see there head or gun they should not be able to kill you.

We can haz flamethrower?

Bullets shooting through objects like metal walls... This aint call of duty and this should not happen.

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^^^^^ I Agree with most of the things here.

Also, they should bring updates every month, for example, with more community maps, to make things more interesting.

And definitely get rid of the stupid glitch where you both die at the same time, it is very annoying in SWAT.

I'm not disagreeing with you here, but won't a monthly update put a lot of burden on them?

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Agree with almost everything here especially bringing back the classic maps cause it's 343s game but if they brought back all of these maps and just redid the look like with halo cea I would play just for the awesome maps. Lockout gaurdian and the pit have never given me a boring game. But All of those new ways to find matchmaking games seem a bit far fetched and over the top. Captains seem like a bad idea too because if I am going to be picked for a team then the captain should better know my strengths weaknesses what guns I like my best maps but that's not gonna happen in matchmaking with a bunch of randomize instead I'd rather go in with three of my friends that I know I can work well with

And I love the glitches in halo 2 but they were so much fun because they were glitches which are accidents and since 343 is using a modified engine I don't think that there is anything for them to mess up

I think 343 should wait till they build their own engine and make a game from the ground up to start having their own accidental glitches

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Wait, you're asking 343 to intentionally add glitches? You know glitches are unintentional, right? Good game developers always aim to improve their games- quality and experience wise, so that includes removing any glitches they can. Bungie for instance, has made it much harder to get out of maps, because they don't want people getting out in matchmaking, and they don't even see a point in the practice because there's nothing much to see out there, besides the occasional anomaly like the random soldier in Halo CE. The players may have fun, as do I, but in a game developers eyes, glitches only decrease the quality of a game. Too many glitches can make a game look poorly made. Granted, there will ALWAYS be glitches to find because they're pretty much unavoidable.

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Above all else after playing a lot of reach since release, the most important thing for me is having better forge options so the game becomes more up to date......while some of the dlc for reach was ok (CEA) maps that is.....the main issue with reach is how stale and boring all the maps look when craeted in forge world.......if 343 can revamp the forge tools and give forgers enough power to create variation of colour back ground /setting....sand, snow, industrial, forest etc.... and add a heap of enviromental objects so that we can have a good variety of maps in matchmaking.....dead bodies, blood splatter, wrecked / flaming vehicles and a more extensive colour options would give forgers the ability to make some amazing and interesting maps for the community.......look at MLG.....every map they use except zealot i think is a concrete jungle....we then wonder why the community is in decline??? the top 3 maps i'd like back are guardian, the pit (non forge world) and construct.....3 amazing maps.....

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Above all else after playing a lot of reach since release, the most important thing for me is having better forge options so the game becomes more up to date......while some of the dlc for reach was ok (CEA) maps that is.....the main issue with reach is how stale and boring all the maps look when craeted in forge world.......if 343 can revamp the forge tools and give forgers enough power to create variation of colour back ground and add a heap of enviromental objects so that we can have a good variety of maps in matchmaking.....dead bodies, blood splatter, wrecked / flaming vehicles and a more extensive colour options would give forgers the ability to make some amazing and interesting maps for the community.......look at MLG.....every map they use except zealot i think is a concrete jungle....we then wondere why the community is in decline??? the top 3 maps i'd like back are guardian, the pit (non forge world) and construct.....3 amazing maps.....


I agree. Although you can do alot with the current forge, It all looks the same. boring

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The main concern I have is the ranking system. Every halo that has come out since the second has progressively gone down the drain. Halo 4 should be based more off skill. This idea of making every game-type "free" except for ranked isn't a smart idea. I loved the old days where most game-types were based of skill and the how the ranking system was designed (the pretty colours). The fact that there were sooooo many people that were willing to cheat just to get that level, some even willing to break the law (ip flooding), means that they did an amazing job. But instead of stopping the cheating and improving security, they dubbed down the ranking system to what it is today. Make the matchmaking like the halo 2 days, and i can bet, a good chunk of the halo community shares the sames beliefs that I do. Please fix it :D

Ps- who else has a hard on for the level 37-39 design

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So instead of having ranked mmatch for people who care about skill and rank, and social for those who don't, it should entirely be ranked? Good idea. Screw those other people they can go play cod.


Yea, no. There should always be ranked and social modes. Those who don't want to play competitively shouldn't have to do so. "Screw those other people they can go play COD." Who do you think you are telling people what they should go play? Those that don't want to play ranked and play competitively shouldn't be punished for that. They should have their own set of playlists to play, and the ones who like to play competitively can have their own as well. Not everyone can or wants to play competitively, and you should know this.

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Yea, no. There should always be ranked and social modes. Those who don't want to play competitively shouldn't have to do so. "Screw those other people they can go play COD." Who do you think you are telling people what they should go play? Those that don't want to play ranked and play competitively shouldn't be punished for that. They should have their own set of playlists to play, and the ones who like to play competitively can have their own as well. Not everyone can or wants to play competitively, and you should know this.

I was bein sarcastic but okay. I think it was dumb idea too

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I'm not disagreeing with you here, but won't a monthly update put a lot of burden on them?

Maybe. They could put in a system where they may be a seperate "play testing" playlist. Every month / x months, the highest rated could be added to MM in a free dlc pack. It could all be pretty much automated except for the playtesting.

Just an idea...

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Enough about Forge improvements. The only we are ever going to get a true Forge sandbox is in the form of an HEK. Forge only allows you to change the .scenario file of a map. Scenario files are limited to everything we can do in Forge now. Placing things like weather require you to define media event items in the bsp structure during level export before being passed off to the compiler. Same goes for the editing of any object outside shaders, placement, and physics interaction.


Having too many objects in the "Crate Palette", would cause either a memory exception in game, or failure to laod a map using the resources available to the xbox. People always forget that the limits placed on Forge maps, are a general average given out, to ensure smooth, laggless and non-problematic loading and playing of maps. Budgets are a GOOD thing.


Super bounces are glitches that need to return? Do you even know what the super-bounce glitch was or how it was created? The super bounce was a bug in the collision detection in the Havok Physics model 5.6 I believe. What happens is, the player collides with a surface with a number of intersecting faces. When the player hit it, the game would incorrectly place the player and detect the said player in the face or map, and expell the player outward.....hence superbouncing. it was unintentional and unpatchable.


team captains are completely rediculous. just because you are higher ranked, does not mean that you excell over everyone else at a particular gametype or objective. I have played with various ranks of people in Halo 2 and 3...and let me tell you, having a team captain picking teams unfairly, or better yet, leading the charge in a CTF match, that I excell at over him is not only ridiculous but also shows an even more importance on "the number"...which in reality means jack ****.


The reason 1v1 was pulled was because in the end it had the lowest activity. They dont just go in a pull a popular playlist or any other random one just for the hell of it. 1v1 has no place anymore as we now have custom games. You wanna play a 1v1 or trashtalk someone into playing one, fine. Do it on your time, dont clog up the playlists for it.


As for your view on loadouts...you obviously have never adjusted to it's inception into the franchise. sad.....


Playlists will never be created by players and put up on servers directly. Doing so would clog the playlists extremely. I dont want to have to go thru a list of 1,000,000 just to find the 1 or 2 I came to play.


The only thing I see in your post that holds any water at all is the one regarding host. yes host is plain out stupid. Allowing the Live aservice to pass off hosting to players is truly one of the worst things that has ever been done. A console solo, cannot and never will ever be able to compete with the horse power and bandwidth the server can handle and deligate out to clients. That alone is one standard change that needs to happen. But now at this point, the netcode is already done...it is part of the compiled engine. For that, we have to wait and see what happens.


If I hurt anyone feelings here tonight, get over it. Personally I get sick of seeing outlandish and down right stupid comments regarding a games functions or elements without any hint of technical knowledge about how to go about doing them. Now I am not speaking as if I am a deciding authority or anything, but seriously guys....do you ever proof read anything you post?

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  • 4 weeks later...

For McChicken 343 and Ms. Mystic


I wasn't trying to say that "free" games should be taken away, i was saying that more of the game types should be skill based. Halo Reach For example- has 1 ranked game type and 22 free, that bull****, especially for a competitive gamer like myself.. The online system is crap (compared to the rest, all halo is great to me), why didn't they add the (iron, bronze, silver, gold, onyx) to most of the game types,it matches people with people of similar skill, when i go into free games ITS A ******* JOKE, people are complete crap. Il give You that there needs to be some free, but matching people with similar skill does not make it competitive.

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