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Halo reach Feb update


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AWWWWWW Theyre removing team killing in infection =( but but but it was so fun! And if you were betrayed you almost always ended up as the last man standing.

But the changes are amazing! Theyre trying to get users input for updating TS, they updated rumble pit which many players have been asking for, and changed alot of other playlists! 343i is winning over my heart with the love theyre putting into Reach.

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They answer questions about it on the notice. Looks like the more you kill without dying the higher you damage mod but the slower you go.


Spawn at zero then each kill bumps you higher to level three.

Heat 0/3: 100% D.M. 100% Speed

Heat 1/3: 115% D.M. 90% Speed

Heat 2/3: 130% D.M. 85% Speed

Heat 3/3: 145% D.M. 80% Speed


Will be interesting to see how popular it is.

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  On 2/6/2012 at 11:37 PM, The Director said:

I wish they would add ZB SWAT already :( That gametype is fuuuuun :D


Same, SWAT was made for Zero Bloom. Since it's supposed to be one shot kill, it should always be about how accurate a shooter you are, not how well you can pace your shots. There is nothing as infuriating as getting to a triple kill and then dying because the fourth guy has a tiny reticule but yours is fully expanded, even though you fire first and his head is dead centred in the reticule.

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  On 2/7/2012 at 3:53 AM, RedStarRocket91 said:

Same, SWAT was made for Zero Bloom. Since it's supposed to be one shot kill, it should always be about how accurate a shooter you are, not how well you can pace your shots. There is nothing as infuriating as getting to a triple kill and then dying because the fourth guy has a tiny reticule but yours is fully expanded, even though you fire first and his head is dead centred in the reticule.


I disagree. I think it's much better when you have to be accurate with your aiming AND have to pace your shots properly. Without any bloom, it's just as simple as aiming and spamming the trigger. Sure that may make it faster paced, but it doesn't [ersonally seem like a good idea for it to be made into a matchmaking thing. Maybe if they offered ZB and TU SWAT, then it'd be okay.

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  On 2/7/2012 at 4:00 AM, Ms. Mystic said:

I disagree. I think it's much better when you have to be accurate with your aiming AND have to pace your shots properly. Without any bloom, it's just as simple as aiming and spamming the trigger. Sure that may make it faster paced, but it doesn't [ersonally seem like a good idea for it to be made into a matchmaking thing. Maybe if they offered ZB and TU SWAT, then it'd be okay.


Even then, spamming the trigger won't help if you're not accurate to begin with - it's not like regular combat where bloom works because you can't get one-hit-kills and thus need to time your shots. In normal combat the reason shots are timed is so that once Shields pop, the weapon is still accurate enough to land a headshot.


SWAT has always been about raw precision, and when a single hit can kill every individual fight should be on an even basis, regardless of whether the combatants have just killed three enemies or none.

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