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Red's 'Micro Warfare' Map Pack


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Reach has a real shortage of good small-scale maps. While maps like Countdown, Zealot, or Powerhouse can feel exciting and lively if they appear in matchmaking, if you prefer to play custom games and don't have a lot of friends on Reach or are playing a local game of splitscreen, they can feel oversized and - worse - empty.


As someone who for a very long time didn't have access to the internet, this is an issue particularly close to me. It's all very well turning movement speed up, setting low respawn times and increasing damage, but there comes a point where it simply has to be admitted that what's really needed are small, fast-paced maps suitable for just two or even three players to have a game of Slayer or Oddball and actually enjoy it.


Without further ado, I therefore present to you two such maps of my own creation: 'Rapids' and 'Entrenched'.




Rapids is a re-imagining of one of my first maps, 'Duel'. It features an open central courtyard ringed with a covered path on three sides and direct access from the fourth, with rooftop access from both bases as well as a combination of open sightlines and powerful weapons.


Both bases feature a DMR and Plasma Pistol, as well as providing an overlook of the central area and quick rooftop access to one another, as long as the player is a good jumper. Plasma Batteries provide an incentive not to spend too much time in one place, as a single well-placed grenade can provide beautiful views of the respawn screen. Rocks around the outside of the map can be accessed, but soft kill zones ensure that it's not at the expense of the action. Lastly, the cetral courtyard features a single obelisk for cover, while the tunnel to the East has shield doors at both ends to make up for being filled with explosives, making camping a big risk even for the alert player.


Rapids is set up for all game types except Race and Invasion, although it does support Invasion Skirmish. It also works with both team games and free-for-alls with up to eight players, although I would recommend no more than four for ideal game conditions.


An overhead view shows the map's outline. The Shotgun on the centre platform can be accessed via the Gravity Lift to the East!




The view from Red Base. The tunnel to the right houses a Grenade Launcher, but beware the explosives inside - one brave grenade and you'll be wishing you'd kept on the move!




The Man Cannon at the corner of the map allows fast access to the upper catwalk through a one-way shield, allowing for a fast escape or a surprise attack!






Entrenched is very loosely inspired by both Halo 3's 'Narrows' and the design philosophy of Halo 2's 'Midship'. Attention to aesthetics has been made with the appearance of the bases at either end, and the floor of the main deck is inspired by the bridges of Halo: CE, allowing players to see who is above or below them directly.


Teams start out at either end of the main deck, protected by a cover on the opposite side of which is located a Health Kit and a Needle Rifle. The centre of this deck features a Concussion Rifle, although the central path is flanked by tunnels which can only be attacked via the ends and which each feature an Assault Rifle. The 'spine' of the lower deck features a Shotgun and is protected from the flanks by metal 'ribs', although gaps in the floor to either side mean access is risky at best. The flanks themselves provide access to the top of the main deck's tunnels, which feature Plasma Grenades but are very exposed to fire.


Entrenched works with all game types except Race, Invasion, or Invasion Slayer, and is more fun if played with teams in symmetrical gametypes. Although ideal with four to six players it supports up to eight, and is also set up to accomodate free-for-all gametypes.


An overhead views reveals a transparent floor to the main deck - use this to spot players above or below you!




The map isn't very long from end to end - try sprinting along the flanks on the lower level or riding the man cannons to the top deck in order to catch your opponents off guard!




The Needler spawns at either end of the 'ribs' are protected from direct fire by shields, but a well placed 'Nade can flush a player out and into the comforting arms of the nearby Shotgun!




Download Links


'Rapids' can be downloaded here.


'Entrenched' can be downloaded here.


'Red's Slayer' can be downloaded here, and is a suggested custom gametype which features reduced melee damage and slightly tweaked movement and health properties.




I really do appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have. If there's something which strikes you about a map - aesthetics, weapon placement, sightlines, team balance, objective placement or even something as detailed as item respawn timers - whether for the better or the worse, please let me know!

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I don't know, I mean I noticed a few tiny bumps when walking around, but it's not really that importan as they were really tiny. If you're interested could you help me test my map? It's meant for a bigger party with around 12-16 players, but I haven't had a chance to test it with that many people yet.

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  On 2/12/2012 at 1:24 PM, AZUREPHOENIX999 said:

Hey how do you do upload pictures of your map? I have them on my pc but how do I put them in a post like you did?


I'll show you how in a PM, it's much easier to explain with pictures and I don't want to get too sidetracked in this topic! While I'd be happy to help test your map, you may have difficulty getting 12 people together :(


Anyway, I think I know where you mean by 'bumps', unfortunately there's not a lot I can do about that because of the way Forge stores object data - it can be corrected in-game with a Monitor, but unfortunately every time it's saved and reloaded the same thing happens. I have tried to work out a solution, but unfortunately it doesn't look like there's a way to do so - as far as I can tell, apart from looking a little rough it doesn't actually affect gameplay though, which is lucky.

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