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Boone's Map

Absolute Dog

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This map was created for a friend of mine who did not pick up on the game of Reach as quick as he would have liked , so to compensate he would use invisibility and camp with a shotgun or sword. It has a number of tight corridors as well as open areas. It can be played using an AR/Magnum or AR/DMR start and has a full compliment of UNSC weapons. It is a fully enclosed environment that provides a fast paced engagements in all areas. This map also reflects my disdain for forges mostly grey materials by offering a colorful interior that is well lit with numerous windows.


This maps supports Team Slayer, FFA, CTF, One Flag, Assault, One Bomb, Neutral Assault, and KOTH.


This is the first time I have offered this map for public download and is a must see for any player wanting quality, close quarter action and a departure from forges grey box.





"Boone's Map"



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I like the aesthetic of this map a lot, the use of windows and struts is very good looking and the glass covers over the raised platform in the centre is brilliant both in terms of looks and in terms of gameplay, as it stops the Rocket Launcher being dangerous overpowered from the moment it's picked up, and stops Jetpackers from getting it with ease. I also really like the teleport receiver terminals under the braces, they look really good and add that feeling of originality to the map.


There's also a really good balance between the teams, and while I feel the map is perhaps a little heavy on the power-weapon side, that's not a particularly massive problem as everyone has their own preferences. It's definitely fun in its current state and there are only really a few changes I'd make to improve it.


There could do with being a little more incenitve to attack down the flanks - the Assault Rifles at either end of the central raised platform could be beefed up to DMRs or Plasma Pistols, something which isn't exactly a game-changer but which gives that little extra incentive to attack down one side - I'd suggest one of them be a Needler and the other a Plasma Pistol, as that would feel well-balanced without being overpowering.


The central route to the bases could also use a little more cover - nothing major, just something get behind and break up lines of sight when the bullets are flying. A horizontal strut or even just a pair of columns would go a long way here.


Lastly, I'd also move the teleport frames where the Shotguns spawn down one grid point, as they are now you need to crouch jump to ensure you're landing on the top and that can be quite flow-breaking, especially in a firefight.


I can't really think of any criticism other than that - this is a really well put-together map and would be a lot of fun for even larger groups of players!

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