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Leaving, Honestly.


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I can't ******* take it anymore. sorry for my language but I can't ******* take it.

To much crap is happening, i thought this was a community site,for gaming news etc,

Over what's happened today, EWW.

I'm sorry guys, I made some friends.

I made alot.

I still remember when I joined.

Now this site is full of people who treat this as some sort of playground. Stupid stupid stupid. I wsa hoping I would be voted by atleast ONE person funniest by the time I'm dedicated. But, to bad.

I'm leaving the site, I can't take it.

You'll see me on every once in a while..

But no more x5had0wxMa9nuMx

He's no more.

I'm only going to use the furoms for wha they're meant for...like every two months,maybe years..

Maybe i'll come back when the site is fun again.





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Shadow, you're a great member.

You shouldn't let not getting a vote be a reason you leave, instead it should be a reason for you to try a bit harder next time.

Yes, the forum has gotten a lot of new members, and they are learning how to use the forum themselves. They are learning like you learned when you first joined a forum(s). Leaving would be too easy. Setting a good example to those around you can make a big difference and can be challenging.


So, my friend, all I can do is ask; I can't make you, but I do hope you choose to stay. You are a great member.


If you really do decide to leave, I give you best wishes.



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Shadow, you're a great member.

You shouldn't let not getting a vote be a reason you leave, instead it should be a reason for you to try a bit harder next time.

Yes, the forum has gotten a lot of new members, and they are learning how to use the forum themselves. They are learning like you learned when you first joined a forum(s). Leaving would be too easy. Setting a good example to those around you can make a big difference and can be challenging.


So, my friend, all I can do is ask; I can't make you, but I do hope you choose to stay. You are a great member.


If you really do decide to leave, I give you best wishes.



Not leaving because of a vote, I'm leaving because what's happenend in the shout box. I couldn't take it. It was to serious and I'd rather be on a GAMING COMMUNITY FORUM instead of a drama horse, I keep falling off.
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U wouldnt leave because of a shoutbox incident, especially when a moderator can pull up the shoutbox archive to see whats been going on


Do not leave because of a minority, especially when most members that have been on today, have been asking you to stay.


You worked hard to get to trusted, dont let a few fools ruin it for you.


The messages in this thread show that people like you being here. You used to say this was your family, remember family also fall out as well.


Show your bigger, better than the minority that made you feel like this and stay around, why should you leave something you like/love because of the fools that made this happen.




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U wouldnt leave because of a shoutbox incident, especially when a moderator can pull up the shoutbox archive to see whats been going on


Do not leave because of a minority, especially when most members that have been on today, have been asking you to stay.


You worked hard to get to trusted, dont let a few fools ruin it for you.


The messages in this thread show that people like you being here. You used to say this was your family, remember family also fall out as well.


Show your bigger, better than the minority that made you feel like this and stay around, why should you leave something you like/love because of the fools that made this happen.




I geuss... I'll give it one more shot. But if that incident happens again.. I'ma flip donkey poop.
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