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Credit bann


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Ive been credit banned several times wrongly (I've checked). I personally think that the credit bann needs to be removed. I know it was made to stop people from credit boosting but so what. They rank up so they can get some new armor that doesn't enhance gameplay at all just your looks. I play to have fun and earn my ranks as I go fairly. Keep the credit cap so when boosters play they can only go so far but get rid of the credit bann already it makes the game no fun when active.

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Ive been credit banned several times wrongly (I've checked). I personally think that the credit bann needs to be removed. I know it was made to stop people from credit boosting but so what. They rank up so they can get some new armor that doesn't enhance gameplay at all just your looks. I play to have fun and earn my ranks as I go fairly. Keep the credit cap so when boosters play they can only go so far but get rid of the credit bann already it makes the game no fun when active.

do you mean ban or cap?

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I agree with the Credit Cap being taken away. I'm like 20k cR away from hero, but I've only hit it twice, Bungie Day and the day after that. I have a feeling I will be hitting it more often now that I'm a higher rank. Atleast make it so each rank has their own specefic credit cap.

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I agree with the Credit Cap being taken away. I'm like 20k cR away from hero, but I've only hit it twice, Bungie Day and the day after that. I have a feeling I will be hitting it more often now that I'm a higher rank. Atleast make it so each rank has their own specefic credit cap.


Well if that ever happens I wounder how they would go with Fore-Runner and Inheritor. You need (I think) 3, 500, 000 cR.


I think the cR cap should roughly be lifted to 500,000. But this has less of chance of happening then me sleeping with Megan Fox. : ) (One can only Dream)


Back to the topic at hand. I've never heard of the Ban-Hammer wrongly used. If your pulling out your Ethernet Cable when your doing the daily challenges. You deserve it. If your signing in guests and leave them AFK( C ) You deserve it. Or if your just leaving your Xbox on all night night with a wired controller. I may be wrong here. But I think you deserve it.


If your talking about the Daily cR Cap. Well Look no further and re-read my first little section. = ]

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Well if that ever happens I wounder how they would go with Fore-Runner and Inheritor. You need (I think) 3, 500, 000 cR.


I think the cR cap should roughly be lifted to 500,000. But this has less of chance of happening then me sleeping with Megan Fox. : ) (One can only Dream)


Back to the topic at hand. I've never heard of the Ban-Hammer wrongly used. If your pulling out your Ethernet Cable when your doing the daily challenges. You deserve it. If your signing in guests and leave them AFK( C ) You deserve it. Or if your just leaving your Xbox on all night night with a wired controller. I may be wrong here. But I think you deserve it.


If your talking about the Daily cR Cap. Well Look no further and re-read my first little section. = ]

i did that in firfight but i didnt get banned

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I could personally care less about credits, that said, I think the credit cap was there to make it harder to rank up too fast because you rank was simply based on credits. A failure of the credit system. There was never a cap on how fast you could rank up in previous Halo based games, so why here. Being banned for cheating, "bending" or circumventing the rules should stay in place. I think few may remember what happened in H2 with the modders. Cheating is cheating regardless of how you do it.

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The first week after launch the credit cap was 250,000Cr then we hit the cap and they put it to 50,000Cr to slow down rank progress but it didnt stop saviorsoul who was a gen grade 4 when the cap was removed and i think the cap is 200,000Cr right now for the higher ranks i think the credit cap should stay at 200,000 until you reach feild marshall then it should be raised to 4-500,000Cr.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I totally agree and (off-topic) how bout some challenges that are worth doing maybe a feild marshall and up challenge that resets monthly and is actually hard to do, like finish 9 levels of campaign (LASO) for a 100,000 Cr because when your a high rank the challenges are more trouble then they are worth

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I totally agree and (off-topic) how bout some challenges that are worth doing maybe a feild marshall and up challenge that resets monthly and is actually hard to do, like finish 9 levels of campaign (LASO) for a 100,000 Cr because when your a high rank the challenges are more trouble then they are worth


i agree, the challenges today took me less than an hour, for what 5,000cR plus when its firefight ones I tend to do them in score attack, mainly because its quicker. 5,000 when your a mythic, i pity your mate as the bar wont even move.

But please god no LASO's I have yet to complete the game on legendary so LASO's for me are real hard lol

Im hoping the dailys change when 343 take over and give out a lot more cR no daily should be less than 5,000, and no weekly les than 25,000.

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thats perfectly resonable but personally i find the campaign easy no matter the difficulty im not on that often anymore but when i am i would defs play campaign with you if you wanted GT:Destyran. And i still reckon there should be a monthly

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thats perfectly resonable but personally i find the campaign easy no matter the difficulty im not on that often anymore but when i am i would defs play campaign with you if you wanted GT:Destyran. And i still reckon there should be a monthly


that would be cool, i'll send a fr when im next online.

As for monthly challenge, i do agree, 100,000cR, could you imagine being a lower rank and getting a 100,000cr boost wow!

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I dont think it should be for lower ranks i think it should start at maybe brigader grade 3 coz that the first huge rank but then some of the gens are only 150,000 Cr but i dunno it would lose the point of daily challenges all together for the lower ranks

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