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Bioware has gone TOO far with Mass Effect 3. *Possible Spoilers*


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Some of you might know Bioware has 3 editions that will be released for Mass Effect 3. The standard edition, N7 Collector's Edition, and the N7 Digital Deluxe Edition.


The problem here is that a major part of the game, and it's story has been removed from the game. It has been removed so that it is now DLC. It will be available on launch and it's called 'From Ashes'. The DLC includes a new character and that character is a PROTHEAN. A living, breathing, PROTHEAN. Some of you who haven't played ME1 or ME2 are probably thinking,"So what's the problem? Just download it and be on your way." BUT it is a very big deal because the entire plot focuses around the Protheans, and the only real reason why Commander Shepard is special because he had contact with a Prothean Artifact.


The DLC is will be available on launch IF you have the Deluxe Edition. Otherwise, it is $10. This means that for anyone who buys the standard edition of ME3 is basically buying a game that is incomplete! So any products that you buy on the shelf that is not the Deluxe Edition WHICH COST MORE is not content complete. Bioware has deliberately cut content from the game pre-launch so that it can be monetized. Now you're thinking,"Oh well it's a good thing because now they're making more money." Yes, it is good. FOR THEM. They're basically pulling an 'Activision' and milking their consumers.


Personally I think anything made before launch should be on the disc unless it doesn't get finished for whatever reason, AND should be accessible to anyone who buys a copy regardless of which edition you have.


The whole situation is just RIDICULOUS!


I most likely won't buy Mass Effect 3 because of this. When I buy games, I never buy anything other than their standard editions. I refuse to pay $60 for a game that is not content complete.

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What did you expect? Bioware have been going downhill ever since EA assumed direct control of them. I agree with everything you said though, Lolmenade.


I don't hate day-one DLC because it's a money-grubbing device. Companies have the right to make money on their products, and nobody's being forced to buy them.


I hate it because it clogs up my hard drive space unnecessarily. Because if I want to free up space for new content, something else has to get deleted, and then later on I have to waste my bandwidth redownloading the deleted content just to access my old saves. This is unnecessary when I know for a fact that it was complete from the first day and should have been on the disc.


I also hate the casual discrimination against gamers who don't have the internet. If I'm going to pay you for a game, I deserve all the content, especially if I'm going to fork out the extra for a special edition. It isn't fair that I'm treated like a pirate just because I don't have the internet.


In short, put the damn stuff on the disc, give out nonessential bonus items or whatever with the special editions instead, e.g. unique weapons, character appearance options, Halo-style 'skulls', items for your XBL avatar, gamer pictures, themes, whatever. But don't deprive me of actual content when I'm the one paying your damn wages!

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Also kind of on topic, I really don't like what I've seen in the Single Player demo. It's like EA cut the 'pacing' department. And the 'story' department: in a Mass Effect game, there should not be in-game cutscenes that last more than a few seconds and involve Shepard talking that don't have the opportunity to choose dialogue. Competent combat doesn't make up for the wreck of a story we've been shown so far.

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