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Should Armor in Halo 4 Have an Affect on Gameplay?

Baby Boo

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I have thought occasionally about this since Halo 2 days. I always come to the same conclusion for myself. The different armors and permutations were always a fun challenge to unlock. They meant so much more to me personally when they were earned by meeting certain requirements. Having the armors offer different features of lets say, decrease a heads shot box and increase the body shot box or jump a little higher or run slightly faster never appealed to me. I have always enjoyed the fact that the original games of the series pitted all players against each other on a level playing field. I hope this continues with the next game in the original series.

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  On 2/29/2012 at 1:43 PM, Absolute Dog said:

I have thought occasionally about this since Halo 2 days. I always come to the same conclusion for myself. The different armors and permutations were always a fun challenge to unlock. They meant so much more to me personally when they were earned by meeting certain requirements. Having the armors offer different features of lets say, decrease a heads shot box and increase the body shot box or jump a little higher or run slightly faster never appealed to me. I have always enjoyed the fact that the original games of the series pitted all players against each other on a level playing field. I hope this continues with the next game in the original series.


Couldn't agree more. The most important thing about Halo has always been that whoever wins any given battle does so because they were the better player. If they had a better weapon, they earned that weapon in the game. If they had the same weapon, they were better at using it. They timed a melee better, they were better positioned, their movement was better, they used grenades more effectively, whatever. It's a philosophy that worked perfectly for almost ten years.


If someone is a good player, they should be rewarded for it - but only by actively using that ability. Just because I'm worse than someone else doesn't mean they should have an equipment advantage over me from the start. Likewise, just because I might have spent a lot of time playing the game doesn't mean I should get to spawn with more health and faster movement than someone else, and therefore beat them even though they're a much better player.

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No, definitely not. One of the key elements of the Halo franchise is that everyone is equal, it's purely dependent on skill regardless of rank or armor. Halo: Reach expanded the armor selection, this sparked motivation (for me at least) to get the coolest looking gear without technically improving stats.

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I've thought about this before. I don't think players' abilities should change with what armor they wear but I don't think they should make certain armor so expensive. For example: wrist guards, utilities, knee guards. Those are pretty useless other than the way they look I don't think they should be as expensive as they are in the game if they have no extra purpose. Reaching certain ranks to get certain armor is a good idea to me though.

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I actually like the thought of armor effects..Not with just speed and agility but for everything in total. Shield Recharge rate..Shield Strength or even how much damage someone can take before going down without shields. If someone is more of a recon character well maybe there armor ability can increase speed..a little more ammo and the ability to self camouflage. Now if you're a tank and want to be in the middle well then Noble Five..You can have enhanced weapon strength as well as shields but with this power your mobility is taken up a bit. I dont believe each spartan should run jump and act the same. Jeorge and Emile are perfect examples of diffrent spartans who dont just have to run and act swiftly like Kat or Jun.


Plus i would love to start a game and set up some nice invasion tactics with a couple spartans..instead of just picking a gun up and sprinting and or camo but we still walk and act the same..We should beable to texture our guy to our feel <3 thankyou.

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I really think that having armor effect gameplay would be a huge mistake if it were to be implemented. Halo has always had the edge over other games such as CoD in the fact that you are always playing on a level playing field, which really does show off skill. Having armor effect, say, hitboxes, or allowing you to 1 hit melee but walk slower, would put a distinct disadvantage to new players, meaning they find it harder to rank up. This will go on in an endless cycle resulting in those who got the game earlier being able to have an almost permanent advantage over their opponents.

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Armor should have an effect on gameplay, but not too much. For example: The Tactical/Recon would let the player carry 2 extra mags for their weapons, the grenadier chest would provide +5% health, some other armor pieces would be +2% shields, etc.

Just very small differences that would give a player an edge towards their preferred playing style, any big effects would be a no go.

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I agree with you guys. Big dramatic changes and advantages, no. But what I was sort of thinking is along the lines of lets say you wear bulky armor, and it increases your shields or health very slightly. But, with that ability, costs you some slight mobility. And the advantages and disadvantages could go on and on. But I think it is a pretty good idea, as long as it doesn't have a big affect on gameplay.

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Finally, we're addressing armor.

YES, armor should have an effect on gameplay.

Customizability is one of the essentials we need to keep ahead on the gaming curve.

Halo has started to drop below COD recently, losing the number 1 competitive fps title. We need to adapt to survive.

Old school halo is great, but it's time to grow.

If we see COMPLETE customization, a new engine, and an intelligent authority on competitive meta-game, we will see halo jump back to the #1 spot.

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  On 3/3/2012 at 10:25 PM, jstanotherguy said:

Finally, we're addressing armor.

YES, armor should have an effect on gameplay.

Customizability is one of the essentials we need to keep ahead on the gaming curve.

Halo has started to drop below COD recently, losing the number 1 competitive fps title. We need to adapt to survive.

Old school halo is great, but it's time to grow.

If we see COMPLETE customization, a new engine, and an intelligent authority on competitive meta-game, we will see halo jump back to the #1 spot.


I disagree with everything you said. Respectfully of course. Armor customization having effects on gameplay would create advantages and disadvantages for some players and like someone said earlier since the better armor is unlocked later it would give a distinct advantage to players who had the game longer leaving newcomers to get destroyed. Halo takes more skill to play than CoD being that each player has the same amount of shields, the same amount of health, same weapons and other like things. The skill differential however is how and how well you use them. As for the engine I think Reach has the smoothest engine of all the Halo titles given it is the latest Halo. I'm all for armor customizations just not for them having effects.

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  On 3/3/2012 at 10:41 PM, Drizzy_Dan said:

As for the engine I think Reach has the smoothest engine of all the Halo titles given it is the latest Halo. I'm all for armor customizations just not for them having effects.


I actually prefer Halo 3's engine, actually. Collision physics on Reach just seem... off. I can't put it into words, it feels like damage is a little too high and a little too random - instant death from jumping into the side of a moving Wraith, for instance, or the kinds of glitches you see on Fails of the Weak - those didn't really happen with Halo 3. Plus the strange damage fields of explosions, they really aren't consistent. I'm sure it's nothing that can't be fixed, though.


Anyway, I'm totally against anything which interferes with the 'skill is everything' philosophy. Your experience and your ability should determine whether you win or lose of their own accord, not by proxy via weapons and armour and bonuses. People already have the chance to play according to their strengths by using the weapons they're good with effectively, by moving around the map in a way that suits them and by guessing what their opponents are going to do.


Changes to a player's base stats, however small and regardless of whether they have drawbacks or not, still affect gameplay and add randomness to gameplay, reducing the game's ability to form an effective platform for competition. I'm actually of the opinion that armour customisation isn't really needed, and has gotten to the point where it actually harms the game rather than enhances it. More customisation just means more complex character models and more strain on the engine, for no real in-game benefit. It can also make it harder to work out whether you're hitting your opponent or not, especially if it's particularly bulky. Cutting it out altogether wouldn't do any harm and might actually allow for more complex physics calculations which adds a real, measurable improvement to gameplay.

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O'Connor also focused on another key point, that player customization is no longer just aesthetic. "It has an impact on gameplay," he said.


I am not liking the sound of this.

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No, it would make the game unbalanced and would definitely anger a lot of people. It's all about the skill as someone on this thread stated, giving the bad players a boost isn't fair to those who are skilledat the game and clearly play it more. New players should just play the game more and get good at it. The only armour effect I'd like to see back in H4 is the sprint, the others were just terrible (Evade was ok), I mean invisibility with radar jammer... really!?

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  On 3/5/2012 at 3:37 PM, ShockGazm said:

No, it would make the game unbalanced and would definitely anger a lot of people. It's all about the skill as someone on this thread stated, giving the bad players a boost isn't fair to those who are skilledat the game and clearly play it more. New players should just play the game more and get good at it. The only armour effect I'd like to see back in H4 is the sprint, the others were just terrible (Evade was ok), I mean invisibility with radar jammer... really!?


I doubt any armour improvements would be major. Maybe a few more round of ammo, 2% more health, but nothing major.

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If there is a "faster melee speed" perk for an armor, something else would have to be incredibly super for that not to be the one that everyone chooses.


I just hope nothing cripples the game and there is actually good uses for each perk so there isn't one everyone chooses (like the melee one I just thought up).



I still think armor affecting gameplay is a bad idea, but the vidoc sure made it seem like it will have an affect.

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  On 2/29/2012 at 2:37 AM, BulletStorm207 said:

Personally, I'm on both sides here. Armor having an affect on gameplay would be a great advantage/disadvantage. Tell me what you guys think.


No, armor should be allowed to make you sprint, armor lock, jet pack, invis, whatever. No, no, no, no, NO

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