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Halo 4 Fall Damage or No fall Damage


Fall Damage or No Fall Damage  

106 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be Fall Damage or not in Halo 4?

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I'd like to see it back, I just think the physics threshold should be increased - the players are significantly more advanced than those in the Reach/CE era, after all. Fall damage adds that little extra bit of strategy to the game, but we should definitely be able to fall from much further than before.

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  • 4 months later...

I think you should be able to fall twice as far as in Reach. Any more, and Spartans armor may as well deflect all bullets. I'd rather have immersion and realism than to whine about how I stupidly jumped and died. In Reach, we could fall from the ledge on the Boneyard Frigate. Now, in theater mode, that's a LONG way down. I mean, in first person, it looks like 15 feet, but it's more like 30. We can fall farther than you think.

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Take out fall damage as a super soldier you shouldn't be affected by fall damage. oh and if you say it isn't realistic then your saying if aliens are in your house you say that completely makes sense but a Spartan falls of 20ft every body is in an outrage. It is halo 3 didn't have fall damage so in what reason says that fall damage should be in halo 4.

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