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Having a feeling this game won't play good.


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correct about the engine above poster......to an extent. Base mechanic values are pre.defined in the engine.code as.well.as the Havok handling code. What they can and most likely will do, is edit the matg and.biped tags to closely ressemble what we had in Halo 3.

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ok wait a second the engine has nothing to do gameplay an engine is only something you build on. All an better engine does is allow you to go further in development with the video game. But yes i agree that sprinting is a bad sight that depressed me as well.


You are correct sir, and in my opinion the engine wasn't very good. ex.) All of the blurring effects and such in the multiplayer.

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Armor abilities and sprinting shouldn't be in Halo 4 in my opinion. The only armor ability that I think that should be in a halo game is the jetpack, but not as an armor ability like in Halo Reach. It should more be like a special vehicle that you can pick up on a map like you would for a rocket launcher. Otherwise I want the gameplay to be the same as it was in Halo 2/3 (which means bringing back dual-weilding and special equipment).

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Armor abilities and sprinting shouldn't be in Halo 4 in my opinion. The only armor ability that I think that should be in a halo game is the jetpack, but not as an armor ability like in Halo Reach. It should more be like a special vehicle that you can pick up on a map like you would for a rocket launcher. Otherwise I want the gameplay to be the same as it was in Halo 2/3 (which means bringing back dual-weilding and special equipment).


I'm going to disagree with you on that. Jetpacking I thought was useless; and it was just plain annoying shooting at people that were above me in mid-air, because we all know height has an advantage. I just want walking.

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I am partially with you I'm tired of halo reach gameplay and assassinations and armor abilities and I want it more on the halo 3 platform then it would be cool but I think it will still be fun.

I am sorry but I can never get over assassinations, I mean the Halo 3 was were I attained all my skills from and all, but honestly I like how at least sprint makes the game a little bit faster pace, rather than walking everywhere, get where I am going with that?

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Why is everybody posting negative stuff already we have just seen an few seconds of actual gameplay... everything can still change.

And besides that it's going to be a complete new triology stop comparing it with other halo titles and see it as a new game.

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Reach's engine was a big advancement for how many items could be buffered on screen at once and textures displayed, but they need to get rid of that god awful motion blur, and polish the game properly if they're going to use the reach engine


It was conifirmed that Halo 4 has a brand new engine, not based on any other game

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Why is everybody posting negative stuff already we have just seen an few seconds of actual gameplay... everything can still change.

And besides that it's going to be a complete new triology stop comparing it with other halo titles and see it as a new game.


If we complain now, they'll get the idea of what we really want. And it doesn't matter if it's a new trilogy. You don't give the players what they want, byebye goes the matchmaking population.

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Tephnos is correct. Without the confirmationa and plain out denial of having a beta released, this is the only way the community can convey their concerns in regards to what we saw in the reveal. If they want to make Halo 4 as good as they can and please a wide majority of the masses, they need two teams to take on MM. A team towards competative, and a team towards casual. Have both teams work on seperate components of MM and have 2 distinct main areas of play to choose from. This way both sides have a "Halo" they can play and if they choose, to cross play on. Not force us with certain aspects.


And what is wrong with posting negative comments about the reveal? the reveal was meant to inspire people to start talking about what they saw right?

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