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Custom loadouts are in halo 4 but there hasn't been any detail into how much they are going to affect the gameplay. Is it going to be like cod where you get to pick from a large list of starting weapons and perks or is it going to be like reach where you just get a few different abilities?


This is what I want.

I want to customize between a few starting weapons. BR DMR Pistol SMG AR and maybe a few new starting weapons.

Things I would like to be able to customize. Scope, fire rate vs fire power, range vs accuracy, silencers

Other than that I feel like weapon customization would change the feel of halo too much


Armor customization

I don't want the look of armor to affect what it does. If there are perks I would like them to be layered. I would like three categories. Movement, power, special.

Movement would be things like increased sprint speed, invisible on radar, jump, things that would affect how you travel the map

Power would be things like increased meele power/range, extra shield, exta gun power, things that would affect how you fight

Special would be things like bonuses for harder types of kills, reduce sensitivity during sniping, scavenger, bling, pointing out the last person who killed you, smaller things that would be able to be used for special purposes.


The last thing is Emblems

Halo has had great emblems but Black Ops beat it.


halo should be able to design your own emblems with a ban system so people who make ***** emblems have to choose from a predetermined set like in past halo titles


These are my thoughts what do you think of them? And what are yours?

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agreed, halo is unique for it's balanced style of play, not like call of duty's unbalanced game play where a higher rank means more overpowering so no, as cool as it may sound starting off with your own personal weapon wouldn't be cool, not in halo. Finding a gun on a map should be an incentive for a player, as in "i found it first so i will use it to my advantage" not "ooh i started off with this gun so i can use it if i die and make it unfair" like call of duty plays. i would hate to see halo having perks i mean armor abilities do get annoying, but to a point where it wasn't really game changing, but if you could choose what gun you spawn with like in elite slayer or invasion, it would be too different from halo. i don't even want armor to change your style of play because a higher rank you are, the more you can overpower lower ranked opponents.

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