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Looks like the hologram may be in halo 4


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Just gonna put this out there - Halo4Follower is not a trusted source.

Most of what he says is just speculation.

this has nothing to do with halo 4 follower im not quoting anything he said im just using his video to provide the footage for the point im making
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I noticed it as well, did you notice the wall around him move? Or did I imagine it/visual effect? maybe he recieved damage and got crushes in between 2 block? But i think hologram is a better assumption.

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im not against all armor abilities, but i dont like hologram. I like abilities that focus more on map navigation like sprint and jet pack. i dont really like armor lock, hologram, and invis.

Hologram is hilarious to use in double team, though I never use it anywhere else. I personally think invis should return as a power up instead of an armor ability and armor lock needs to be toned down a ton to make it back.


The picture below from the trailer picture thread had me wondering whether someone on the red team was using hologram. They don't appear to be too far apart and yet one is really dark and the other looks like it's somehow in the sun.



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