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A salute to Halo.... Is the fight really finished?


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That one last memorable cutscene at the end of Halo 3. The pelican wing memorial on the barren hill with the guns, pictures and the numbers 117 scratched into the paint. Lood Hoods speach and the 3 volley salute done by the fireing squad. These were all reasons why Halo fans thought that Halo 3 was the final fight, but in 2011 Bungie signed rights to Halo to 343 Industries. 343I had succsesful sales on the remake of Halo Combat Evolved 10 Anneversery Edition, a beutiful remake of the original Halo CE. The game even included the bug were if a player aims down his or her head does not move down with the weapon, driving under water and indestructible warthogs. The game brought back good memories to players around the world and gave memories to players new to the Halo franchise. A new halo may not have been made but Halo 3 is actuly the gateway to the begining of the new "Reclamer" trilogy. We the Halo fans hope that 343I will be able to deliver such beuty and give us good memories so good we'll tell our grandchildren about our gaming days. Good luck 343I were counting on you. :-)

article by Noahsammy99 (Eliy)

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