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Looks like I'll be getting my money back on my Halo 4 preorder.


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Why did you think he was pointing you out Mystic? Seriously. I took the time to read this thread a few times. What I read is Twinreaper asking for calm. He has called no one out. The OP and myself "liked" Twin's post as it went up for a good reason. So why do you feel personally feel so guilty about him asking for members to relax? I do not get it.


It doesn't have to do with the fact that he asked for members to relax. He did not clarify who specifically he was addressing his disappointment (for lack of a better term at the moment) to. He used phrases like "All of you", "each and everyone of you", "you all". I was doing nothing more than pointing out that I had done none of the bashing that he was calling out on. That's it. He happened to agree that he probably should have been more clear and called out the members specifically. He and I have already resolved this in private messages, so there isn't any need to bring this subject up any further.


Hopefully that cleared it up for you.

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Funniest thing ever!!!! When I went into Game Stop on Friday to buy my second hand Halo 3 disc, the clerk asked me literally 5 times if I was sure I didn't want to pre-order Halo 4. Talk about pushy....... The guy was literally throwing himself and Halo 4 at me trying to get me to pre-order it. I told him calmly that I don't like what I see so far so, no I won't be pre-ordering. He then asked me if I even knew what I was doing and if I was crazy. I explained to him that I am knowledgeable in the game engine and the developer and who I was.....and after that he stopped bugging me. He actually heard of me before from around the various communities within Halo. It was epic to see that, but no so epic to see Game Stop employees forcing or "trying" to force pre-orders on customers. Just thought I would share that....

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Funniest thing ever!!!! When I went into Game Stop on Friday to buy my second hand Halo 3 disc, the clerk asked me literally 5 times if I was sure I didn't want to pre-order Halo 4. Talk about pushy....... The guy was literally throwing himself and Halo 4 at me trying to get me to pre-order it. I told him calmly that I don't like what I see so far so, no I won't be pre-ordering. He then asked me if I even knew what I was doing and if I was crazy. I explained to him that I am knowledgeable in the game engine and the developer and who I was.....and after that he stopped bugging me. He actually heard of me before from around the various communities within Halo. It was epic to see that, but no so epic to see Game Stop employees forcing or "trying" to force pre-orders on customers. Just thought I would share that....

A legend at GameStop! You have a reputation that now proceeds you! lol I wonder if possibly the employee themselves were just a big Halo fan and trying to impart their personal designs of Halo 4 game sales on you. Just thinking.......

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Funniest thing ever!!!! When I went into Game Stop on Friday to buy my second hand Halo 3 disc, the clerk asked me literally 5 times if I was sure I didn't want to pre-order Halo 4. Talk about pushy....... The guy was literally throwing himself and Halo 4 at me trying to get me to pre-order it. I told him calmly that I don't like what I see so far so, no I won't be pre-ordering. He then asked me if I even knew what I was doing and if I was crazy. I explained to him that I am knowledgeable in the game engine and the developer and who I was.....and after that he stopped bugging me. He actually heard of me before from around the various communities within Halo. It was epic to see that, but no so epic to see Game Stop employees forcing or "trying" to force pre-orders on customers. Just thought I would share that....

That is so brilliant.

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