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A Halo 3 Machinama

Mr. DJ

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As soon as I get a excellent capture card, I will be doing a Halo 3 Machinama. I will get about 20 gigs of hours of game play footage saved, and then use it to make a million hour long video for us to watch. ^_^. I don't really know when the server will shut down, so I want to do this while I still can. I would like to know everyone who would help with this. ;) Anyway, we can start this whenever, because I can always save it in theater, so if you're willing to play Halo 3, and have it recorded, then thank you.


P.S. If you want me to i can edit out some parts.


P.P.S. I can't edit out every single time you die.


P.P.P.S. If you have some maps it would be appreciated. I don't want to have to build 200 good maps from scratch.


P.P.P.S.S. I'm happy to answer any questions.


P.P.P.S.S.S. We will be recording whenever there is enough people online. And when I'm online, which is every other day.


X.B.O.X.3.6.0. what is with all the PS's Xbox is so much better. It has halo! :laughing:


Edit: I think I will be using this capture card: http://www.roxio.com/enu/promotions/landing/machinima/game-capture/console/overview.html?source=yt12_gc_pre

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ok noah... I will look at it 2morrow. i don't have X-box access right now.

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I will probably be buying a capture card in 1-3 days.

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I'll help with your machinina.

I don't mind being an Elite aslong as you've got good Forge maps, exception being I'll make some with you.

Tag: xXEV1LB0BXx

I know, I regret calling myself that, just message me yours accompanied by the storyline.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok......... this is actually is just we are going to play a bunch of custom games and i'm going to record the highlights and stuff and put is on youtube.

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