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The "Perk" Game

Stealth Pilot

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We heard some rumors about "perks" in multiplayer. If so, what are your ideas for perks?



Run a little faster with the flag.



Plant the bomb 1 second faster.



Vehicles can go faster.



Spawn with 1 extra grenade


-Ammo (Lots o' Pockets? :3 )

Spawn with one extra clip in your primary weapon, or 20 extra charge in plasma weapons.



Jetpack/Thruster Pack lasts a little longer



Sprint longer



Recover faster after sprint


etc... Your turn...keep it real please.

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Frankie tells.


What do the media mean when they say "perks?" –Krevilz


Well, I think they’re talking about performance-enhancing abilities from Call of Duty, if we’re going to be perfectly honest. I should clarify that we never used the terms “perks,” other than when asked about them. That was a term coined in questions about our admittedly mysterious content.


The systems in Halo 4, and I say that in the plural because there is no single element that defines that aspect of our game, are interconnected and related directly to your in-game experience as a Spartan IV, but they’re not exactly like any specific existing template or scheme. We’ll be explaining more about the Campaign and Multiplayer systems as the year progresses, but suffice it to say that the new features we’re hinting at for Halo 4 will not be mirror images of the stuff they’re being compared to now in online conversations.

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Forger - Any time during a match, you can turn into the forge monitor for 10 seconds and place one object anywhere, whether it be a weapon or vehicle etc.


Competitor - When you kill someone, you get a half a point extra.


Socialist - When you get killed, the opponent receives half the point.


Covie - When you respawn, you receive one extra plasma grenade.


UNSC - When you respawn, you receive one extra Frag Grenade.


Forunner - When you respawn, you get 1x Overshield for 1 Minute. (Unless in Swat, then you get a normal shield)


Trooper - When you respawn, your weapons (except rocket launchers and only UNSC weapons) get silencers and don't show up on radar when shooting.


Specialist (Requires max rank) - Any time during a match, you get one nuke gun in which you fire anywhere on the map and it kills anyone not behind extreme cover (including you and it warns everyone to find cover).

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Forger - Any time during a match, you can turn into the forge monitor for 10 seconds and place one object anywhere, whether it be a weapon or vehicle etc.


Competitor - When you kill someone, you get a half a point extra.


Socialist - When you get killed, the opponent receives half the point.


Covie - When you respawn, you receive one extra plasma grenade.


UNSC - When you respawn, you receive one extra Frag Grenade.


Forunner - When you respawn, you get 1x Overshield for 1 Minute. (Unless in Swat, then you get a normal shield)


Trooper - When you respawn, your weapons (except rocket launchers and only UNSC weapons) get silencers and don't show up on radar when shooting.


Specialist (Requires max rank) - Any time during a match, you get one nuke gun in which you fire anywhere on the map and it kills anyone not behind extreme cover (including you and it warns everyone to find cover).


all these "perks" mentioned are most definatly not halo, Halo on the most part is a simple game requiring good teamwork and skill. You can see how bungie experimented with AA's in reach and drifted away from what makes halo, halo. Dont get me wrong, perks as in choosing ur secondary weapon on spawn could be a good thing (AR, Pistol, exc) but you still need to keep the gameplay relatively balanced. my thoughts anyway.

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Just because we know these aren't going to happen, doesn't mean it can't be fun to think of them anyway.

  • Juggernaut: +20% maximum Shield strength, but -50% recharge speed.
  • Odd One Out: +10% damage, movement speed and -10% melee cooldown while team is in possession of the objective, but cannot interact with the objective personally.
  • Desperation: +15% melee damage and movement speed while Shields are down.
  • Marksman: All precision weapons do +10% damage, but non-precision weapons and melees deal -25% damage.
  • Chancer: Shields instantly fully regenerate after a kill, but do not otherwise recharge.

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Something like perk maybe ruin balance. All these things are interesting! What does the game designers do? Add some perks? maybe it's a good idea, just good idea. Why not build an amazing system like those old school arena games.


Halo should keep unlimited space for player's potential. You can do anything. The limit is the ability of yourself's

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