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Marine Gamemode idea

Nex Carnifex

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Imagine a separate gamemode in halo were you actually used the scopes and iron sights manually like in a more modern fps having to put them to your face but with Halo's awesome sci-fi weapons. I feel like you never get to experience this with the spartans and their auto lock and projected crosshair features. It would be a very interesting way to play, of course all the players would be marines not spartans and would have to sprint and have no shields, though it would equate to a very unique way to experience this universe. Additionally, this class could be mixed with spartans in custom gamemodes to create more diverse games, where marines could represent more human characters.

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  On 3/14/2012 at 6:57 PM, Krinn3 said:

Sounds like CoD bro. Don't get me wrong, i love CoD, but i dont think it would work in Halo all that well.

using ironsights and scopes manually is just a more real life style of representing aiming in games, cod is one of the many that uses it to create immersion but it is far from the only one, here it would be coupled with everything halo to create a new more human experience that I believe would be awesome and unique, for those times you want to step out of the power suit

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yeah and halo would keep its core game mechanic this would just be something cool to experiment with on the side, and possibly use to create other cool game modes, like marines vs zombie spartans. And it wouldn't just be cool it would be relieving, you see all these manual scopes and stuff but you never get to use them like look at the thermal scope on the sniper you can't use it. Stop saying Cod its not like they bought the rights to using manual aiming.

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It takes away from the whole run-and-gun aspects of Halo. I don't think that making Halo like CoD is a bad thing, I just think that there are already a lot of games that have ironsight aiming and that implementing it would make Halo a lot less unique and so less interesting.


Plus it would ruin the sandbox as badly as CoD's. If I can hit someone across the entire map with my Assault Rifle, what's the point of going for a better weapon? You'd end up with a set of guns that all do pretty much the same thing.


In short, I don't agree.

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