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The Importance of Maps and Weapons


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Dear 343, I have to tell you that besides the basics, the absolute most important thing to make Halo 4's multiplayer the best is level design, weapons, and vehicles. I'm posting this because as a an avid Halo fan, I feel that making Halo 4's multiplayer better than Reach's and as good if not better than 2 and 3's is of the utmost importance. Let me start with my first topic: maps. Maps are the most important thing to making a good Halo game. The better a map flows and the better the placement of weapons and vehicles, the better the game is. I loved Halo 3's maps so much compared to the ones that shipped with Reach. Halo 4 needs a return to bigger maps that at the same time don't become vehicle mayhem. Reach simply didn't have any outstanding big maps early on. We need m

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ore maps like Valhalla. Halo: Reach was a close-quarters disaster. Linear maps with two team bases seem to succeed ever time. The classic canyon and bridge maps are awesome as well as maps like less linear maps like Last Resort, High Ground, and to some extent the Pit. Also important are weapons. I'm overjoyed to see the Battle Rifle again and no more health packs. The DMR was just not a fun weapon to use and the health pack system wasn't a good idea for multiplayer.Sniping needs to once again be a dominant force when used by a skilled marksman. Also, no sword blocking or armor abilities. Those were real game ruiners. The power of splattering should return but the ability to jump right over a barrelling ghost should also be there. And the tank, well Scorpions should be powerful, but indestructible? no. there should always be a counter for something. also, br and ar spawns always. I don't want an ar and pistol at the spawn! Well, I think I've rambled enough. I sincerely hope that Halo 4 will bring back millions of gamers to it for years.

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Well, Tank isn't indestructable, easy to kill, what needs to happen is, bigger maps for armor abilities, short maps with armor abilities = fail look at countdown. Most important is the snipers damage to vehicles i have killed and been killed by this. I agree lots with maps being bigger better balanced, and flow better.

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I honestly dont like the sniper damage to vehicles. Banshees have become pointless. Only the Splaser and the Rockets should be able to kill it.

A vehicle that is only killable with one of the strongest weapons in the game would be pretty overpowered. The damage that a sniper does to vehicles should be lowered, but normal weapons (the BR, Assault Rifle, Sniper, etc.) should still be able to damage them a little.

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The whole problem with vehicles pretty much only being vulnerable to the laser or rockets is that those weapons are ALWAYS in the center of the map. If you can't leave your base then you can't get a weapon to deal with vehicles around your base/spawns, and if you can't leave your base then you might as well quit because they will kill you long before you can reach one of your own vehicles.

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A vehicle that is only killable with one of the strongest weapons in the game would be pretty overpowered. The damage that a sniper does to vehicles should be lowered, but normal weapons (the BR, Assault Rifle, Sniper, etc.) should still be able to damage them a little.


I agree. regular weapons should at least be able to do moderate damage. right now we might as well be chucking pebbles at a banshee when we use the assault rifle.

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