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Lets Get Real Please.

MCPO Mayh3m

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I am tired of it too, it fustrates me so. I have gotten into some arguments, and have accepted their apologies, but some people i think need to be banned from shoutbox for awhile..because they do not mean their "Apologies" if they start another argument 20 mins later, and harrass people very badly, with vulgar language. We just need to accept others are different..

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Preventing an argument is difficult, considering peoples opinions are different. The best way to prevent them are to show levels of maturity and respect. I'm sure most members I know are capable of this. If a new member come on trying to start a fight, ignore it and move on.

If you do happen to get into an argument, like Mayh3m said, forgive and forget. Like I said, I'm sure most members I know are capable of this.

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yes i agree with this 100%, please please please don't argue in shout like, Mayh3m said Shoutbox is the heart of the forums and if you do get in an argument please be the bigger person and just walk away from it, don't keep it going.


and remember "To err is human, to forgive divine." -Alexander Pope

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I agree with and support you and this thread. I have seen plenty of arguments, I ironically haven't been in one though, and I hope TO never be in one.

What'll I do about? I'm not a moderator, so what am I gonna do? I'll report them to a Moderator. And get on with my life, simple.

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I totally agree. Arguments do need to stop happening, though people will still bicker. We have to learn to stop arguments and not start them.

This is a great thread, hopefully this will teach people to stop arguing over the stupidest things.

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Mayhem, even though I am on a lot, I am very busy. I promise you and all members the ban hammer is about to swing. I have been nice, talked to members and accepted their apologies. This is an open warning, heed it. If I ban you from the shout box it will be a one week minimum. I will be reviewing the archives again regularly. If you have been on this site long enough to know, this is your warning. Some members can not accept polite and courteous words. No argument from a member will get you back, trust me.

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Mayh3m, this is post of the year!


Never has a truer post been made, maybe as AD says its time we clamped down more in the shout box, or even removed the shout box? As it seems some members are using it for nothing bit abuse

I think removing the chatbox wouldn't benefit the site at all.Heck, you'd probably lose a few members.

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I love it, Mayhem. Excellent point. Excellent advice.


If I may, I would just like to add a few points of advice of my own. They should be common sense to most of us, but here they are anyway:



1. Stay out of it.


To members who are not part of such arguments and disrespect, if you happen to see one in progress please refrain from taking sides or joining in with your own opinions. No matter if one of the members involved is a friend of yours or not, or if you happen to agree with one side of the argument or the other, the best thing you can do is stay out of it.



2. Clear the Shoutbox.


When an argument breaks out in the Shoutbox it would help our mods by lessening the time it takes from them, and alleviating the stress that they may endure, if we outright stop our conversations in the Shoutbox. It would make identifying the situation and the individuals involved much easier, and allow for swift disciplinary action should any need be taken.



3. Flag a mod.


Our community has grown quite a bit in the last year (that's right, we're gonna be 1-year-old soon!), and our moderators have their work cut out for them without having to worry about the Shoutbox. They don't always catch incriminating behaviour in the Shoutbox right away, and may need some help from we who care. A gentle PM about the issue may go a long way to securing the integrity of our community.



Thanks in advance for your community excellence, my children, and blessings of Twam upon each of you. :heart:

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