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10 Hopes For Halo 4


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1 The Battle Rifle does not make a return who wants to waste 2 rounds guarenteed not to be as accurate DMR beats it hands down

2 the designers relize what the OD in ODST stands for aall the time i see MC getting ferried around teleported should Orbital Drop Shock Troopers fall down from oh lets say orbit onto a battle field check out the latest SECTION 8 they could do it

3 No more new warthogs

4 ability to fly non combat craft (and some of the combat ones never allowed)

5 a GOOD story one with a well lets say more than a 2 line plot

6 LOADOUTS aint no damn trooper here now or in the future that will blindly accept limited weapon selection troopers are proficent in specfic fields so more than likely a GOOD soilder would CHOOSE the weapons that will BEST augment their talents

7 use a calender your dating of story lines make some of these transitions MUST last months thats just poor writing

8 Please introduce a race with some depth to it not a race we go wow these guys should not have achived this when they dont usderstand that precusor

9 no more magic people that can surrive the halo exploding you kill off a charater they should NOT RETURN there is lots of voices out there

10 Augmentations some thing like armory but if they carry a medipak they get a slow regeneration at the cost of shield strength over sheild at cost of health extra clip cost of reload time or accacury its possible to balence items like these to allow people to play dynamiclly and you can always put in boolean to eliminate the bonuses


Oh as a bonus let me say if a suit of armor can withstand an orbital drop and the vaccuum of space surily it could stand up to water but then again my spartan always dies when falling 10 feet even though it's less than the 50 miles or so he dropped from

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they are going to try and keep close to the halo books, so, they won't add anything new for single player, apart from a new campaign.


Also, for MP, i think it should be more like reach, but change the ranking system, more maps and no bloom and it would be perfect :D

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