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Dear 343 Industries


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Dear 343 Industries,


I have some suggestions for your Matchmaking system. Why have you created a new category called "Super Slayer" yet Big Team Battle "Heavies" is a voting option?

It is my belief that regular BTB should be separate from "Heavies". Heavies should also have it's own category. I understand that you want the search to be quick and seamless as possible, but it's not fair to mash up such a dramatic change to the BTB format with the voting system. It should be it's own entity.

Also, isn't it possible to use a few Firefight maps in BTB as well? They have the potential, so why not?


Another point I want to bring up, more important then the above comment, is the DLC that some of us have not been able to use. I, like many others, spent $20 on DLC (Noble pack and Defiant pack) that we RARELY use. Why does the anniversary pack have it's own category but for the other 2 DLC packages we have to HOPE AND PRAY for other users to have the same DLC packs. It's not fair at all. I bought the DLC packs a month ago and have only been on ONE map in ONE game since then. What gives? I feel robbed...


One more point, why the hell does the Anniversary Pack have a cost? If it's suppose to be an Anniversary edition, shouldn't it be free? I mean, shouldn't it be like a thanks to us Halo fans for giving Bungie the success it has had and therefore made the company that is 343 Industries?


Where's our thanks? where's our DLC? Where's our choice?



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BTB Heavies should stay right where its at. If you made a specific playlist for heavies, then why not make one specifically for CTF and objectives, and one also specifically for slayer? Because we get playlist dilution and matchmaking would slow down. Too many playlists makes every playlist have a thinner population. We don't want that.


As for DLC, there are people out there that have all of it (me being one of them). I don't know when you're searching for games (time zone, time of day, etc), but I do know that about every other matchmaking search I do pops up options for DLC (be it Noble, Defiant or even Anniversary). There are people out there that have it, so it sounds like you're just running into some bad luck as far as matchmaking searches go.


Final point. Imagine: You've spent tens of thousands of dollars developing something. Would you give it away from free, watching what you created not make a single penny back on the money you put into it? No, I don't think so. And if you say yes, you're lying to yourself. 343i spent time and money, putting their effort into making CE Anniversary what it is, and they deserve to make something back off of it, regardless of whether we "gave Bungie the success it has had" or not. They can't do everything for free, or we wouldn't have a company like Bungie or 343i. They'd go bankrupt and be no more, and Halo would have died with it.

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I understand about search dilution, but Heavies is not just another run of the mill game type. It changes everything about the format, from weapons to level design. You can't say that capture the flag is like heavies. The two should be separate. You could also have those game-types on Heavies such as capture the flag and objectives rather than just BTB Slayer with more vehicles and power weapons. Wouldn't that be nice?


You must be playing with a few friends who also have the packs to be getting that type of luck.


I never said everything should be free, but as an anniversary pack it should be free IMO. It's not like it's a full game, it's only a DLC.


All I'm saying is that matchmaking needs some organization, is all. BTB Heavies is the reason I don't play BTB that much any more, it's not that I don't like it, I just don't want to play it almost all the time. It's too much of a mix-up and if I leave the game I'm the bad guy. I don't like to leave games, but when you're dealing with a 15 minute game (sometimes less, I know) it's hard for me to want to play Heavies four or more times in a row.

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I can agree with having to constantly playing heavies would get annoying, but that's the breaks you have when a new gametype is included in. It's new and shiny, so everybody needs to play it. As for CTF and objectives. You have Team Slayer (strictly 4v4 slayer matches), and Team Objective (strictly 4v4 objective matches), so isn't that a break down already? But that's beside the point. I understand where you're coming from, but if they gave every person exactly what they wanted, we'd have 100,000 different playlists, each with 1 person a piece searching for other people to play with.


I've been away from Reach for a while, probably a good 4-5 months, and just recently have gotten back into playing. Friends have moved on to BF3 or ME3, so currently I'm searching with just myself most days, and with my wife occasionally, so no, no friends with a bunch of DLC.


And as for BTB with DLC maps, that's a bit trickier. It's a lot more difficult to find 16 people all with the DLC in one match than it is in a smaller game type.

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You guys, welcome to the forums :D

I can see that both of you have points. BtB does vary hugely from classic BtB, however seperating all the playlists would create a number of problems.

People would start requesting that other game modes are put as seperate playlists: CTF, King of the Hill, etc.

This would thin the problem and create matchmaking problems.

Despite this, I can see where you are coming from.


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You've got it Luke, and that was the point I was trying to get across, though I tend to ramble. If you break out Heavies, then why not break out everything else, because in the end, everybody would want a specific game mode. And thanks for the welcome!


And to Shock: working on a profile picture. Gotta find one I like first, though.

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yea, but this Heavies deserves it's own playlist, at least for now while it's new. It's definitely refreshing to play something different, especially when a week before they introduced it I said to myself that BTB needs more volume to it. It's nice to play but it's almost completely different compared to the classic BTB. Just because it has more players on the map doesn't mean that it should be categorized under the same thing.


Why not have more game types that revolve around 8v8? They focus so much on team slayer so they have more options for you. If all 4v4 games were categorized under the same category, how would most people feel? Swat, Snipers, Team objectives; what if they were all under one category?


and not to digress away from the DLC topic, I think they should AT THE VERY LEAST have a BTB DLC playlist for the very few BTB maps that the DLC's have (like the Squad DLC playlist) along with some firefight maps as BTB maps in that playlist, I think they would have more people downloading the DLC's for that reason alone. Give people a reason to buy the DLC's. If I knew I wouldn't be able to play the DLC's because of "bad luck", I wouldn't have bought them at all. Why have huge maps in a DLC that are perfect for BTB but getting 16 people on a random search that have the DLC's is nearly impossible.


If Halo 4's Map Packs are treated in this same way, I will not be buying any of them and be one of the a-holes that stop others from using their paid-for map packs. Not out of spite, but by this experience. I will not pay for something I rarely use.


Another option they could explore is maybe allowing players to create their own games in which people could join. Like the old days of gaming.

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Team Swat and Team Snipers are a whole different animal than regular team slayer, but I understand what you were going for. On average, how many players are in BTB at any given point? Team Slayer is roughly 8,000 on average. I know BTB is less than that. So, you put BTB Heavies in its own playlist. Now, everybody that wanted heavies moves over to that playlist, cutting down the number of players in regular BTB even further. It'll slow down matchmaking already. I played BTB the other night, waited for 5 minutes before I ever found a game. Team Slayer or Super Slayer? Average wait time is less than 30 seconds.


As for the DLC, I fully agree that they should do a BTB DLC, even though the maps are few and far between. I've only ever played on a few of the DLC big maps, and it's by pure luck. As for not purchasing Halo 4 DLC because it requires "luck" - - that's a fault of Reach. Look at Halo 3, nearly everybody had all the DLC and it was a great game that people loved to play. Reach broke that, and a good portion of the population didn't agree with the approaches that Bungie took. If Halo 4 turns out to be as good as H3 (and don't get me wrong, of all the Halo's so far, Reach is my favorite, love the game), more people will gravitate towards that, and thus more DLC purchases, making BTB DLC maps easier to come across.

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I completely agree. I'm just hoping that in the future they at least put something like Heavies in it's own playlist for the first month it's out.


As for the DLC, let's hope that they utilize it better than what they're doing now. They have the resources in the game as is to add more variety to BTB and they should use them. Take the second last level on campaign, The Package, at the end where you fight off waves of enemies, it's a firefight map but it's perfect for BTB. Imagine CTF on that map with BTB... Epic.

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I think a dedicated heavies playlist would be really fun though I like the idea of a TU playlist too. It's actually really nice for teh days where you want to use an assult rifle because it helps the weapon to be more accurate. Also, with the TU the pistol becomes a weapon of skill that, with less bloom, can be used effectively.


I TOTALLY AGREE about the DLC comment you made. I have 77 of 79 GamerScore on this game adn I desparately want the last 2 but I have NEVER found a single online match where I can earn the acievement. I think they need another DLC Objective Playlist (like back in Halo 3) that would also include Invasion. I personally love the DLC maps and wish I could play them more. The only reason I bought them, however, was to finish my gamerscore on this game. So until that happens the Slayer DLC doesn't do much for me.

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