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Please make it easier to mute other players on PC

Jesse Greathouse

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I just got through a match where some complete jerk was constantly babbling to himself in a language I don't understand.

To enjoy myself without listening to that player's constant nonsense; I had to figure out how to mute them. It was so unintuitive to do this that I had to alt+tab out of the game and find the info on the internet. Apparently the procedure is this:

1. Press Escape
2. Press Tab
3. Find the player on a list of players in the match.
4. Click on the player to select them.
5. This opens a separate screen, on which I have to select the option to mute them.

That's 4 whole steps more difficult than it needs to be; in my estimation.

Another really horrible thing about this is that, when you get to step 3, you have no idea who you are intending to mute because during play there is no indicator of who is speaking.So You have to wait there in the player list. on step 3; looking for someone's speaker icon to indicate that they are speaking; and then identify them as the person you are wanting to mute. In my case it was easy because this person was chattering non-stop; but in the case the person is not so chatty, you have to wait until their speaker icon changes to indicate which person it is you are intending to mute.

If I could offer one suggestion of how I've seen it done well in other games: When a player is speaking in voice comms; have an indicator on the UI to show who is speaking. On that UI indicator, can be a button to mute them with a click. Doing it this way eliminates 4 of the 5 steps I enumerated above.

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