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Everything we know about halo 4 [Just the fact's]

Darren Stallcup

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Halo 4 Fact's:

*The jet-pack shall return. as seen in the teaser and the first look video's.

*Storyline's behind in which why red would fight blue in the multiplayer. why it need's a story i never knew but acording to frank o'conner it does.

*The warthog is due for some upgrade's and new desighn. perhap's when driving it will be in 1st person view like anniversary

*in a g4.tv video frank o'coner also said that there is most likely not going to be an open beta. it would ivolve splitting up the staff to work on the game and the beta and currently there hands are full. sorry :(

*Destructable enviroment. no were not talking about battlefield 3. yes, halo 4 will have destructable enviroment as you can see in the teaser video.

*More story around the chief. there really focusing on his story this time.

*forunner's are 99.9% most likely to be the new faction this time. lol.

*cortana still hasent shut up.

*new weopon's. of course i mean every halo game features new weopons so why wouldnt halo 4. but still what the fuuuuuuuh is that pistol rocket thing, some attachment?

*armor custimization. yes. period.

*Sprint is back. in the halo first look video, the player sprinted up a gravitylift.

*Health is gone! you can exspect that there will only be shields becuase the first look video only shows...well...shields.

[if you have anything to add please comment.]


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This isn't accurate. Frank O'Connor specifically said in an interview that it's not a jet pack but more of a thruster pack. The difference being the duration of use. Just because things were getting destroyed in the teaser trailer that doesn't mean that there will be destructable environment at all in Halo 4, it didn't show anything like that in the multiplayer video. Everything else I guess works

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just because you didnt see a health bar doesnt mean that they havent made an entirely new health system (like COD) where you tell your health by his reactions and mabye a lifeline that will beep his pulse faster when he is close to no health left.


there are many other options the the forrunners being the enemy unless your saying theyre going to be more involved in halo 4(i dought they will show in the flesh until halo 5 or 6)

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what make's you guy's so eager to conclude that there may be health. halo 3 and halo 2 did not have health and unless i mistaken halo 3 take's play in the future, ahead of reach, so maybe your just wrong. and a thruster? are you suggesting that it may be defualt for your guy? [exsample: in cod everyone can run] so perhaps the thruster is a defualt.

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Ahaha!!! I'm laughing hysterically at the Cortana thing! I get so annoyed by her monotonal voice! Ugh! But to add to what we know........


* I've heard they're going to reveal Master Chief's face. If so, I'm really goling to be ticked, but that's just me.

* Martin O'Donnell officially is going to be on the music team.

* (I'm not sure on this one) The shield world is Onyx?

* I've heard blue team, halsey, and the spartan III's are going to be in it?

* And the new enemy is a precursor named Timeless One.

* And Halo 4 is going to be totally epic no matter what!!!!!!!!

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You must remember health has always been incorporated into the game. Reach was just the first one to show you your health instead of a blinking drained shield bar. Reach also allowed you to grab healthpacks, to restore your health. I am not sure, but I believe in halo 1,2, and 3, the health was like the elites, and slowly regenerated.

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absolutely none of this is confirmed. besides cortana not shutting up and armor customization. the jet pack is actually a thruster pack which is built into master chief's armor. and trailers are usually nothing like the actual game *COUGH COUGH Halo 3*.

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I don't think that they should have taken health away. For me popping someones shields is an important thing to know about.

And ahm...thruster packs.


And In relation to the COD reference. If I see any blood on my screen somebody is going to get hurt.

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* I've heard they're going to reveal Master Chief's face. If so, I'm really goling to be ticked, but that's just me.

no they wont, i can almost promise my soul they wont

* Martin O'Donnell officially is going to be on the music team.

I dont know enough to say about that

* (I'm not sure on this one) The shield world is Onyx?

Onyx doesnt exist anymore like it did before

* I've heard blue team, halsey, and the spartan III's are going to be in it?

Most likely kelly/linda/or lucy

* And the new enemy is a precursor named Timeless One.

Very likely, the Timeless one is a precursor and a gravemind that have mended together

* And Halo 4 is going to be totally epic no matter what!!!!!!!!


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OK, I'm going to give you all a fact


EVERY Halo has had health, but in Halo 2 and 3, the health wasn't visible but it was STILL there.

Only Halo CE/CE:A, ODST, and Reach had a visible Health bar, but every Halo game (except Wars) had health as well as shields.

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Some of this may not be accurate, but I'm posting anyway,



*I hear they're thinking about taking out health packs. Correct me if I'm wrong... PLEASE!!!

*The "Sparrow", "SparrowHawk", or "Hawk", whatever you want to call it is possibly going to be the unsc airship for Halo 4.

*In the first look video, where it shows the scores of the teams, the red had a wolf emblem in it and the blue had a unicorn emblem in it, maybe the other way around, I'm forgetful. If anyone has explanation (or correction) please do not hesitate to reply.

*343 says they're basing Halo 4 off of either Halo 2's or Halo 3's game engine.

*"Upgrades" to armor abilities.

*The pistol thing in the teaser is a grenade launching hand-held gun. No attatchments.

*There are 2 maps so far: Wrapparound and War House.

*In War House, there is a robot mech thing called the Cyborg 2 being constructed. It has been confirmed that it will not be drivable, but it has also been said that there will be a new vehicle that makes it look as defenceless as a sleeping grunt without a gun and a reticle on it's face. That may have been a slight exageration.



This is all I heard. Please correct me if you see any mistakes.

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  On 3/27/2012 at 2:14 PM, DarkNazo said:

Some of this may not be accurate, but I'm posting anyway,



*I hear they're thinking about taking out health packs. Correct me if I'm wrong... PLEASE!!!

*The "Sparrow", "SparrowHawk", or "Hawk", whatever you want to call it is possibly going to be the unsc airship for Halo 4.

*In the first look video, where it shows the scores of the teams, the red had a wolf emblem in it and the blue had a unicorn emblem in it, maybe the other way around, I'm forgetful. If anyone has explanation (or correction) please do not hesitate to reply.

*343 says they're basing Halo 4 off of either Halo 2's or Halo 3's game engine.

*"Upgrades" to armor abilities.

*The pistol thing in the teaser is a grenade launching hand-held gun. No attatchments.

*There are 2 maps so far: Wrapparound and War House.

*In War House, there is a robot mech thing called the Cyborg 2 being constructed. It has been confirmed that it will not be drivable, but it has also been said that there will be a new vehicle that makes it look as defenceless as a sleeping grunt without a gun and a reticle on it's face. That may have been a slight exageration.



This is all I heard. Please correct me if you see any mistakes.


Correct about the health packs being taken out, there is no visible health bar. Sorry but the Sparrowhawk is most likely not making an appearance in Halo 4. You were right about the different team emblems. I'm not sure about the engine being based off Halo 2 or 3 I thought they said it was an upgraded version of Reach's engine but I'm not positive. There won't be upgrades to armor abilities because armor abilities are not returning. 343 called them "perks" for lack of a better term but there is no real way to describe the armor ability-like "perks" coming into Halo 4. I don't know any info on the grenade launching pistol, to me it looks like a regular M6G but with an attachment. Those two maps are all they've shown so far there are other maps. In the center of the multiplayer map the robotic suit being built is a Mark II Cyclops and you're correct about it not being usable. I haven't heard anythin about a new vehicle that makes the Cyclops look like a grunt with whatever you just said.

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  On 3/27/2012 at 2:14 PM, DarkNazo said:

Some of this may not be accurate, but I'm posting anyway,



*I hear they're thinking about taking out health packs. Correct me if I'm wrong... PLEASE!!!

*The "Sparrow", "SparrowHawk", or "Hawk", whatever you want to call it is possibly going to be the unsc airship for Halo 4.

*In the first look video, where it shows the scores of the teams, the red had a wolf emblem in it and the blue had a unicorn emblem in it, maybe the other way around, I'm forgetful. If anyone has explanation (or correction) please do not hesitate to reply.

*343 says they're basing Halo 4 off of either Halo 2's or Halo 3's game engine.

*"Upgrades" to armor abilities.

*The pistol thing in the teaser is a grenade launching hand-held gun. No attatchments.

*There are 2 maps so far: Wrapparound and War House.

*In War House, there is a robot mech thing called the Cyborg 2 being constructed. It has been confirmed that it will not be drivable, but it has also been said that there will be a new vehicle that makes it look as defenceless as a sleeping grunt without a gun and a reticle on it's face. That may have been a slight exageration.



This is all I heard. Please correct me if you see any mistakes.

could the vehicle possibly be a sphinx???
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  On 3/25/2012 at 1:08 AM, Katthejedi said:

Ahaha!!! I'm laughing hysterically at the Cortana thing! I get so annoyed by her monotonal voice! Ugh! But to add to what we know........


* I've heard they're going to reveal Master Chief's face. If so, I'm really goling to be ticked, but that's just me.

* Martin O'Donnell officially is going to be on the music team.

* (I'm not sure on this one) The shield world is Onyx?

* I've heard blue team, halsey, and the spartan III's are going to be in it?

* And the new enemy is a precursor named Timeless One.

* And Halo 4 is going to be totally epic no matter what!!!!!!!!

They aren't going to show chiefs face, and there are more enemies you may be fighting IE. Timeless one, gravemind?, master builder,ETC

and don't believe everyone says, just wait till the game comes out.

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Also i think they should add space combat similar to starwars battlefront 2 where you were in space and one team had a ship and the other team had a ship and you had to blow things up to destroy the ship while there was an epic ass space battle for those of you who just want to kill you could fly around killing the aircraft this isnt a bad idea at all

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