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Halo 2 Easter Eggs


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Here are the Easter Eggs for Halo 2. Enjoy :) !


Halo 2 Easter Eggs



Legendary Jason Jones Cardboard Cutout



When playing on Legendary during the cutscene where the grunts are confronting the brutes the camera shows a grunt holding up a cardboard cutout of Jason Jones. This same egg appears in Halo 3 as the "Jason Jones Floating Cardboard Cutout" Easter Egg. It seems Jason himself or someone else at Bungie is a hobbyist exhibitionist when it comes to Jason's programmers tan.


Alternative Cut Scenes


The opening cutscene on Delta Halo changes with the difficulty you select. Before the grunt gets on the turrent he is playing with a different thing on each difficulty. On Heroic the grunt is playing with fire and on Legendary its playing with a Master Chief doll.


Halo CE Pistol on Tombstone


After the notoriously overpowered Halo 1 pistol was weakened dramatically in Halo 2, the team responsible for Halo 2's maps, Certain Affinity put the pistol on the map inside a fence just to tease fans of the old pistol. It has been confirmed that you cannot actually pickup the gun, it remains a decorative feature.


Why am I here?


On beaver creek if you go up up the ramp to the left side of the blue base you will see a rock that is loose. You can knock that rock down the bottom of the level and read the words underneath which are "Why am I here?". This is a nod to Rooster Teeth's "Red vs Blue" series. The first episode is called "Why are we here?".


Rex Sword


Start on Outskirts on any difficulty. Fight through the part until the Hunters break through the door. Kill them, and then go through. Very quickly run into the next part and ignore the Jackals shooting at you. You should see two blue crates stacked on top of each other. Jump onto them to the higher platform, and you should see two green crates right next to each other. Jump on one of them, turn around to the direction of the Jackals, and then jump onto the light post in front of you. Once on the light post, turn directly around and jump onto the rafters of the building you see.


Get in Pelican


On the ramp the scarab blows up the scorpion, a Pelican dropship unloads marines. (this is before you go into the building, while you are on the street) If you park a wraith on the top of the ramp you can jump near the open hatchway and hold "x," you should get in the side seat. (you may get pushed out by marines) the ship takes off after a few seconds and flies over the place you are supposed to go and out of the map. It then crashes into a wall and eventually onto an invisible strip of ground. On level Metropolis.


The Scarab Gun


Start off on the Metropolis level, and eliminate the Marines that board the Scorpion - you?ll be glad you did. Cross the bridge as you normally would and destroy all the Ghosts and Wraiths that you encounter. When more Marines join the fight, though they are your own guys, take them out as well before reaching the end of the bridge. At the end of the bridge take out the Banshees that attack you but leave one in the air. Also, make sure to hijack a ghost before entering the tunnel. Lure the Banshee into the tunnel(you don't have to shoot at it, just stay in range). You have to lure the banshee all the way into the tunnel until you get to the hole at the end where you go into the next part of the level. You need to jack the banshee as the "Loading" is triggered. Once you have jacked it you can fly around in the next part of the mission. All you need to do now is fly upwards to the two huge bridges and grab the scarab gun (it looks like a plasma rifle).


Secret Message



If you managed to get out of the level "Backwash" there is a secret message for everyone who managed to break the bounds of the map. It reads "ITS LOOKIN A LITTLE ROUGH OUT HERE" and is written in red blood.


Invincible Warthog



Proceed through the level as you would normally until you reach a dark tunnel where you need a flashlight. After that, hop in a warthog and continue through the level. As are about to enter the giant tunnel, turn around and go back to the spot right after the dark tunnel. If you are looking straight out from that tunnel, follow the path on your right (not down the road, but against the wall) until you reach a porch type area, there will be a warthog on it that is completely invincible like the ones in Halo CE.On the map Outskirts


Frankie's Face on Halo Ring



If you download the Xbox live map "containment" and then use your sniper rifle to examine the Halo ring you will find none other than Frank O'conner's face in the ring. Frankie was Bungies weekly update writer and community manager for some years and was much loved by the community. His face once again appears in Halo 3's Standoff Moon in the Sky, along with another Easter Egg of three of the same Bungie employee standing on the platform of the Satellites.


Cowardly grunt



If you kill all the brutes in a certain room the scared grunt in the corner will talk. He says "Please no hurt, me like Elites. Brutes stinky bad bad! Me stay here and make sure no brutes come behind mighty arbiter?". He comes up as green on your reticle marking him as a friendly unit.


Blue Screen of Death

On Zanzibar, if you go into the room with the huge generator and flip the switch of the gate left of the generator a blue message will appear on the console. This is a gag pertaining to the blue screen of death in Microsoft operating systems. It reads:

A total FU exception has occurred at your location. All system functionality will be terminated.

*Press any key to power cycle the system. If system does not restart, scream at top of lungs and pound on keypad.

*If you need to talk to a programmer, press any other key.

Press any key to continue


Ling-Lings Head



If you change the date on your Xbox to different special events the sign in the water on Zanzibar will change. The coolest is if you change your date to 7/7/7, you will see Ling Lings head on the sign. Other dates include:

- 01/01/xx (Baby shark)

- 25/12/xx (Soffish)

- 31/10/xx (Carnage zone symbol)


Hologram Glitch


Somewhere in the level out in the open in front of the sniper base there is a flaming pillar. Go to it and get a wraith. Some people report that slowly pushing someone into that pillar will push them through and they will get killed by the gardians and other say that boosting them with a wraith works also. The idea is that you can force someone into the pillar and they when they are killed by the guardians they will spawn on top of the level. The effect is especially cool when you have a sword.


Soccer Ball


This is a really cool easter eggs and there are a few ways to get it. You need to go part in Metropolis that is outside with the wraiths attacking you. There is a building that has been blasted open on one corner from the scarab beam. You can grenade jump up to it using the blasting abilities of the sputnik skull or use the banshee glitch that is also used to obtain the scarab gun.


Rooster Teeth Logo



On Turf if you go into the garage you will find a vending machine. One is Blue with a rooster and the other is Red with some false teeth. This is a nod to Rooster Teeth, the creators of the "Red vs Blue" series. Very clever but humorous Easter Egg Bungie! ;)


Getting Vehicles in the Final Battle


You can actually get a number of vehicles inside the final battle. It works with ghosts and banshees. The trick is pretty much to clip the wings off vehicles if they are too large and then park it right outside the door that gets you a checkpoint. Once you go and trigger the cutscene you can backtrack and it wont have disappeared.


Bloody Marine


On the level Cairo Station, some times there is a bloodied Marine running around. He has blood splatter on him and is missing his helmet. He is besides his appearence, the same as any other Marine.




Tyson "Ferrex" Green, lead level designer created most of the great journey and has left his mark in various places throughout the Halo series: Once you reach the control room go to the highest point possible (you will need to go by foot most of the way as the banshee wont go very high) then use the Sputnik Skull (see skulls guide) to jump to the highest pillar. There will be the word "Rex".


Halo 2's Megg


At the last part of the level where you have to secure the bomb (scene: return to sender), you have to be on legendary with no co-op. You have to have the Thunderstorm Skull (no other skulls) active and it must be active before the 1st checkpoint. You cant die, or even lose 100% of shields, you cant revert or quit while trying to find it. If succeeded you will hear this message being broadcasted over the intercom: "Paging Megg, please report to the red courtesy phone. Meg to the red courtesy phone.". MP3s of this easter egg have since been lost to the sands of time unfortunately.


Hi Ben

Start Regret and then proceed until you kill all of the Elites and Drones. Go outside and to your right you will see a temple without a bridge. Get up there (grenade jumping works) and go to the room at the right. Use your flashlight and go to the left corner and zoom in with your scope, you will see the hidden message "Hi Ben".


Hidden Bomb Message


In multiplayer when you arm the bomb after you have put it down text appears on the top of the bomb. Different messages such as 'Thus I Refute Thee', 'Hold Onto Yer Butt' and 'Kiss It Goodbye' appear on the bomb depending on what multiplayer level you load.


Pet Brute


It doesn't matter what difficulty you play on, but if you proceed through the level Great Journey and you get to the end of it (the part just after Johnson destroys the door to Tartarus), if you hijack a brute-controlled banshee, then the brute that gets kicked out of it will not attack you. He won't even have any weapons. He just follows you around like a stalker until you kill him.

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Great thread, I hope we can add to this.


There's a couple that weren't mentioned:




Were the skulls Eggs?


The REX on top of the tower on Great Journey.


There are 2 other BSOD switches, one on Delta Halo and one on High Charity.


The Scarab gun on Outskirts.


The final battle on Great Journey has 2 ways to get a vehicle in there. One is the door where you can fly a Banshee, drive a Spectre in and drive a Ghost in. The other way is via a portal where you can get any drive-able vehicle on the level inside to fight Tartarus.


On Metropolis you can also get into one of the Pelicans that fly at the end of the level but it's not easy.


IOHBOY is a good one.


I always thought it was Frankie but someone said it wasn't, idk.


Golden Hog signs on Metropolis and, crap, can't remember.



Some will say a few of these are not eggs but I think all things similar to eggs should be included.


I can provide pics or vids for most of the eggs mentioned.

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