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[GameSpot] - How To Farm Residuum In Deathloop: Carry Over Weapons And Trinkets


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In Deathloop, Residuum is the key to growing stronger, faster, and deadlier with each new loop. Even the best possible complete game runs will necessarily take you multiple loops before you can hit credits, and that makes this odd spacetime-defying resource very important. Here's what you need to know about Residuum in Deathloop, including how to farm it and how to spend it.

What is Residuum?

In Deathloop, Residuum is a type of material that's left behind on some objects due to the nature of Blackreef's perpetually looping world. Since every day starts, unfolds, and ends the same (except for the bits Colt alters), some objects can emit this strange, misty substance as a result of an apparent breakdown in the spacetime continuum.

Residuum is arguably the most important resource in Deathloop because it allows you to push back against the game's roguelite elements. In the opening act, you'll unlock the ability to infuse objects such as Trinkets, weapons, and Slabs.

Every little bit helps.

Anything you don't infuse will disappear when you reset the day, so if you have a particular weapon you love or a hard-to-find Trinket, you'll want to infuse it so it's in your inventory upon restarting a new loop. That means having a sizable stash of Residuum will help avoid tough decisions about what to save and what to part with.

You can infuse items in between any two levels, and after you've played another evening level, you'll be prompted to infuse things one last time. Of course, this is only a reminder, so if you already have all of your favorites infused, there's nothing to worry about.

The other important thing to remember is that when you die, you'll drop your Residuum right where you expired, and you'll need to pick it back up like a corpse run in a soulslike game. It's a bit more forgiving than that, however, because you can die before retrieving your Residuum and it'll be there when you respawn so long as you haven't yet died three times on that level. Once that happens, you'll reset the entire loop and lose it all. But, should you die twice in a level with Residuum in your inventory both times, you'll be able to retrieve both piles of the misty resource.

How to farm Residuum in Deathloop

The most basic, reliable way to get more Residuum is to simply explore each level thoroughly. Residuum deposits will reliably spawn in the same places in each loop, so knowing where to find more is a matter of memorization as you get deeper into the game. For example, a bit of Residuum on a mannequin head in Updaam in the morning will be there every time you play the Updaam morning level.

Deposits such as these will give you smaller quantities of Residuum, but it all adds up fast when you're turning over every figurative rock. For larger sums of Residuum in a single moment, you'll want to kill Visionaries and Julianna when she invades you. Killing the Visionaries and the ultimate protector of the loop, Julianna, gives you thousands of units of Residuum at once, which means levels on which multiple Visionaries are nearby and where Julianna invades you can be very lucrative--if you can survive, of course.

Killing Julianna is a quick (though risky) way to earn more Residuum.

There's also a Trinket that will give you extra Residuum every time you collect some. That's the Golden Harvest Trinket, which gives you an additional 15% of Residuum with each deposit you collect. you can find the Golden Harvest Trinket randomly in the world (and at one of three rarities) or you can receive it right away with the Deathloop Deluxe Edition package.

In my experience, using Golden Ticket a lot early on meant eventually I didn't need it in later loops, simply because I had farmed so much Residuum by that point that I had run out of things I wanted to infuse. So it may be something you invest in early as one of your equipped Trinkets.

The last way to get more Residuum is to dismantle weapons and Trinkets you don't want or need. Doing so will actually grant you some Residuum, with rarer items giving you even more. This is helpful because you'll eventually get duplicate items over the course of the game. You'll also likely discover your preferred way of playing.

For example, I liked using a combination of things such as Aether and Shift Slabs, with Trinkets focused on double-jumping and hacking, so a Trinket such as Glass Cannon, which let me do more damage at the expense of taking more damage, became irrelevant to my play style. I was usually too stealthy and hands-off to need to worry about big gun battles. As you find your own MO, you'll come to find that certain Trinkets, weapons, and even Slabs just aren't conducive to your version of Colt, so break those extras down into even more Residuum.

For more on Deathloop, check out our weapons guide and a full walkthrough (with spoilers) on how to kill all seven Visionaries in one day.

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